M Hafiz

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Joined Jul 2020


share price should drop to around rm20 per share since every 2 shares liquidate to becoming 3 shares ie 2/3 of the current price of around rm30.
1 month · translate
Maybank dividend maintain almost the same for years even though its share price goes up and down. Thats why its div yield percentage goes up and down. This would also means that there will be time where the percentage looks low enough to disinterest dividend stock buyer.
3 months · translate
The thing about stock price and DY is interesting. If the price of the stock keep on going up, in order to maintain the same DY percentage the company would have to give out higher amount of dividend value. This will definitely give more advantage to the earlier buyer since their DY percentage will keep on increasing based on the earlier lower price they paid. But if the company paying out the same amount of dividend, the div yield percentage will be lower for new buyer. Maybank is an example.
3 months · translate
When it have better PE ratio and DY. Current price isn't really that attractive anymore. There's better buy out there. Fundamentally this is a great company but not a good buy with the current price. At least from my point of view.
5 months · translate
Thanks for the explanation. That's kind of make sense. Hopefully they would improve their digital banking segment as there's still lots of room for improvement.
11 months · translate
why is the revenue increasing quarter to quarter but net profit didn't? Did the operational cost increase? Profit margin keep on dropping. Management need to do something to keep the companies net profit tally with the increasing revenue.
11 months · translate
I've been waiting for it to go down to top up some more this last few month but it goes up instead. Even though I've had quite a good capital gain but I'm not really happy that I couldn't add up some more units. It's a mix feelings...
1 year · translate
sorry my bad. waiting to see how's the company doing with all the hypes going on whether it's worth the price or not.
1 year · translate
Why is the Q3 earning report not out yet? Usually it's out on the 31st December and it's already a month late ?
1 year · translate
Earning per share is currently at 19.59 cent. If they gave out all their earning for dividend payment, the dividend yield with the current price of rm2.94 is 6.66%. Not bad compare to other bank but that is if they pay out all earnings to share holders.
1 year · translate
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