Muhd Fiqri

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Joined Jul 2020


Cut the losses and learn from mistake. If its a good stock can average down. But this one doesnt seem like the stock u should average down. Ur money ur decision. Trust yourself
4 years · translate
see you tomorrow ! im holding hlt since friday. lets huat huat together. power of holding
4 years · translate
Can someone help explain to me what is proposed private placement? TQ so much in advance
4 years · translate
Its ok. U can try to queue tomorrow again when the price is already at 24. Can help push the price for us. Lol
4 years · translate
The power of holding while just seeing red. But the end result is beautiful. Hopefully volume will come tomorrow ??
4 years · translate
2557.3% QoQ. Congratulations all !
4 years · translate
The operator purposely cut the number down so that they can collect more. Too familiar with this kind of game already. Congratulations all !
4 years · translate
Nice number to guess. 130M lol
4 years · translate
Its ok. Just hold. If there is no actual trend reversal. Just a correction. Th trend should be facing upward. Ive been stuck in dpharma before. I enter then immediately the market goes againts me as i stood and look at those -20% day in day out for almost a month. Then it finally come the time for me to sell it with some profit. But if the trend totally reverse u should look for a get out point. Wish u all the best my friend
4 years · translate
Congratulations for those who hold tight. Its very hard for someone to see those negative percentage. But do your research and justify the price of the stock u purchase. Just hold tight. U will get used to it
4 years · translate
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