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Kenneth Jesudass

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Joined Jul 2020


good job valen. what's your TP advise?
3 years · translate
it goes without a say the Government wants to push their well established, government-linked, pharmaceutical company forward when it comes to dealing with the vaccine. Most of us may see this as an opportunity or a ruse laid out by the government to monopolise the Vaccine game but maybe this is just their easiest and or fastest way to CONTROL vaccine distributions.
3 years · translate
Bousted Holdings has a 55% stake in Pharmaniaga whilst Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) owns approximately 11% (LTAT has a major stake in Bousted Holdings) hope that answers your question.
3 years · translate
correct, correct, correct.
4 years · translate
learned the hard way
4 years · translate
sah bodoh sial
4 years · translate
I am looking to re-enter at 1.500
4 years · translate
final verdict harta champions, top up or just hold?
4 years · translate
thanks Louis, I notice much steady growth on C53, looks dangerous however. C48 has more stability. what's your opinion?

also, how long to hold warrants? is it dangerous to buy in bulk?
4 years · translate
c48, can in or not?
4 years · translate
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