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seng guan wong

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Fame: 16

Joined Jun 2020


stupid directors. pay for nothing. wasting money
3 weeks · translate
Arbitration Costs The 1st Respondent (DNeX Semi) is ordered to pay to the Claimant not later than 7 calendar days from the date of the Final Award is served on it:
(i) AIAC’s Administrative Fees of USD88,865.60 (inclusive of Malaysian SST) and bank charges of USD150.00;

(ii) Sole Arbitrator’s fees and expenses which are fixed by the Director of AIAC as USD411,600 and USD3,617.88 respectively;

(iii) Claimant’s costs of legal representation of RM794,551.42 and expenses RM13,449.96;

(iv) Cost of hearing room and transcription services of RM4,465.80 and SGD3,733.32 respectively;

(v) Claimant’s witness expenses of HKD18,050.66. Interest at 5% per annum will accrue on these amounts from 7 days after the date of the Final Award until full payment is received. All other claims and counterclaims were dismissed.
3 weeks · translate
what ever la capital A or B. just sell dnex n let us buy hihi
4 months · translate
happy to hear that you all complain about Dnex. please just sell it n I will collect more from you. haha
4 months · translate
government use that news to push up the 2 company share price n sell . at the end Niis is pay by us
6 months · translate
6 months · translate
if you want to run. just diam diam run lo. no need tell the whole world. we know how much KGB can go
9 months · translate
more on hot roll steel. for car frame steel
12 months · translate
1 year · translate
profitable company no need to worry. just matter of time. price will come back. collect dividend as much as we can first
3 years · translate
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