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Joined Feb 2017


going downtrend soon.
1 month · translate
you guys panic for nothing. it's a good chance to buy.
1 year · translate
Interesting. someone is pushing it up at 4pm with 3.3M units. High volume today.
1 year · translate
people might mistakenly sell it off. good chance to collect.
1 year · translate
if you see the history Q1 will be normally low
1 year · translate
market sentiment. anyway if not wrong there's a trend reversal pattern. might go up soon. just forecasting.
1 year · translate
Normally their first quarter very low one isit?
1 year · translate
payung. ok ah??
1 year · translate
elephant is heavy and will drop. don't use elephant but other. haha
1 year · translate
if u plan to invest more, take it out. dun waste the processing fee.
2 years · translate
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