Zin Mlk

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Joined Feb 2017


bought & sold within 1 second/same time.. many days already. ???
6 months · translate
Vsolar = Besok la
4 years · translate
Makan makan, tambah lauk.. Makan makan, tambah lauk.. Muntah laa macam ni
4 years · translate
Maybe because permaju owns 70% stakes in CASB thru their son, GGSB.. Vsolar only have 30%.. If they won the bid, permaju will benefit more.. I think laa
4 years · translate
Ini mcm punya gila market, mau nanti xde 1 kaunter pun harga yg bawah 10 sen.. Haha
4 years · translate
Looks like this counter is gathering the strength to the next level and maintain between 0.06 to 0.085, before shooting back to 0.14 (which 3X esos price). Bonus (if not jackpot) might only happen if they secured the lss@mentari aka lss4 project. Just my opinion..
4 years · translate
Kemon la Azwanbro.. X kan xde function kot
4 years · translate
New chairman from lambo to vsolar.. Either be like lambo, or the path to lobby lssmentari contracts
4 years · translate
Just be patient.. Esos price 0.0475.. The future value can be 3 times or more..
4 years · translate
Hopefully not hangat2 tahi ayam like mtouche..
4 years · translate
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