Andrew Ngi Ing Hui

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Joined Jun 2020


monkeypox is coming, hoot9 karex
7 months · translate
hold and to the moon, these few months noticed that qes boss keep getting interview by the media, good investing counter
3 years · translate
remember? when market red, qes will big green
3 years · translate
better enter before AGM, fly to the moon
3 years · translate
cut loss? today u bought at 0.55 right?
3 years · translate
i help u comment in advance: " thanks qes, its been a nice journey"
3 years · translate
one day show also counted as "show"
3 years · translate
Business Outlook & Prospects
• Manufacturing will be concentrating on research and development activities, with ongoing
process to invest more into R&D human resources, equipment and software. Furthermore,
the Group will look into setting up a new cleanroom Class 1000 equipment assembly area in
the new factory.
• QES expects high growth in China in the near future hence we are still in the process of
appointing more sales channel partners and participating in Semicon China and Global
Semiconductor Industry Expo.
• Based on the private placement utilization, QES will aim to set up a local 100% owned China
subsidiary through QES (Hong Kong) Co Ltd.
• The Group will continue to look out for possible M&A and collaboration within the
semiconductor E&E segments.
• The Group is optimistic that the distribution division growth will have positive growth in
FY2021 as the Covid-19 pandemic situation seems to be settling down with the aggressive roll
out of vaccines.
• The Group is expecting the semiconductor and E&E market segments to continue to grow this
year due to the demands fuelled by 5G, IoT, PC, EV, cloud computing and AI related
• The Group had completed Phase 1 and Phase 2 for the Distribution business units and ASEAN
subsidiaries for the implementation of Oracle Netsuite ERP system. Manufacturing is set to go
“live” starting March 2021 under Phase 3.
• The Group is also in the process of further digitalising the Group by implementing the CMMS
service support and e-claims.
• Renovation of the new Hicom-Glenmarie, Shah Alam factory is in progress and will look to
move in by this year.
4 years · translate
just from the hastag, it's like giving the hints that the ecosystem has finished integrating with one another..
4 years · translate
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