Aizat Edzmir

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Fame: 45
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Joined Jun 2020


sikit sikit die naik, harap semua bersabar, tak lama akan terbang
3 years · translate
hope can close 1-2 bit from a day before also good ady.
3 years · translate
CL n move on
3 years · translate
off trendline a bit only. sure will up in no time by this week or next week
3 years · translate
0.145 good price to EP?
3 years · translate
close red . hope got rainbow tomorrow onwards la
3 years · translate
baik mcm tu. moga ada harapan balik modal balik huhuhu
3 years · translate
green is good !
3 years · translate
congrats to holder
3 years · translate
but anyhow, is okay. as long follow personal trading plan
3 years · translate
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