Ethan Lee Soo Kin

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Fame: 309
与其讨魚吃 不如自己学会出海捕魚
***价值为主 技术为辅 投资致富***

Joined Feb 2017


Yes Share split ex date 24/09/2024
Tomorrow will be at least 4.60
1 week · translate
Trend has been changed from uptrend to downtrend after break the support RM1.88 小心交易
3 months · translate
The Group recorded a loss before tax mainly resulted from the loss
recognised from deconsolidation of non-operating subsidiaries of RM28.0 million due to reclassification of foreign currency translation reserves.

In addition, due to the significant devaluation of RM during the year, Group also recorded a foreign exchange loss of RM14.8 million.
6 months · translate
QR loss 16.4 cents, still worth to waiting 10cents special dividend in March 2024 ?
6 months · translate
Ds.. based on past 2 years QR released date. Today didn't announce, most probably will be released on tomorrow . Good luck to you all.
6 months · translate
今天要出业绩了, 有信心吗? 如没信心,可暂离开观望
6 months · translate
谢谢您 Pelikan
Happy New Year 2024
8 months · translate
pelikan dah gila hari ini
8 months · translate
non stop ... gogogo Pelikan
8 months · translate
来了 来了 0.24了
8 months · translate
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