YW Coulson

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Joined May 2020


4 months · translate
So pro, arbb reached lowest (0.83usd) after the announcement only they released the shares. Luckily sold at 0.055 after adjustment, only make very little profit. But we know we wont be able to sell 1.3usd. Imagine those sold at rm0.035 or rm0.04, how much loss they kena? Geli counter
4 months · translate
Gg lo arbb us dropped below 0.9 still the custodian still don’t want to process. Sink into sea
4 months · translate
It’s totally rm 300k per year right?
4 months · translate
美股不给拿,说什么mssg agent no update,联络号码和email都没有,google找不到所谓的mssg 公司,但我相信因果报应
5 months · translate
Do your own math sir then you know if people make both capital gain from the adjustment and US stock
6 months · translate
Luckily did not follow you, the dividend make money, thank you
6 months · translate
Maybank 的有人拿到了吗?
6 months · translate
Still need to wait for 2-3 weeks to sell the stocks after submitting the letter
7 months · translate
Always got bodoh ppl comment like this, luring ppl, dosa tahu?
1 year · translate
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