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Joined May 2020


i con9firm tomorrow will be same price, won't drop, hahahaha
3 years · translate
so good, 能分享下你对季报的看法吗?
3 years · translate
哇,Wai Keong也在这!
3 years · translate
ok LY sifu, will go learn how to make roti canai as pro as you :D
3 years · translate
LY sifu edit comment again, roti canai sangat
3 years · translate
Yus, LY sifu is always correct, he typo 0.9 become 0.8 ma, hahahaha.GB sifu is better, never edit his comment,lol
3 years · translate
I think Low Yee sifu typo, mayb he saying 0.9, not 0.8
3 years · translate
Sifu said 'high chance' will drop to 0.8 only ma, if really drop to 0.8 then he will come out and comment.. if QES fly then sifu will diving again, haha
3 years · translate
hahaha, LY sifu very pro, last week said fund will move to recovery sector, now change to glove, roti canai, lol
3 years · translate
Sifu, mana 0.8....
3 years · translate
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