Syakir Syahiran

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Joined May 2020


thats why its green today haha
3 days · translate
wednesday always become profit taking day
3 days · translate
Never FOMO in stock market, why chase so high 380 385.. wait for discount
4 days · translate
semalam dah naik 30%.. 3 hari dah hijau, hari ni turun sikit nk gelabah
4 days · translate
wait at 50 cents area.. thats the area where it cannot go up on first day
5 days · translate
why still many people collecting? you will never know where the bottom is.. haiyaaa
2 weeks · translate
ya close doji, possible sign of reversal
3 weeks · translate
not dying la, just dont chase high, let it rest first
3 weeks · translate
I que at 0.065 and 0.060, come hereeee
3 weeks · translate
based on today candle, will continue bearish tomorrow
3 weeks · translate
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