Farhan Faiz Abd Manaf

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Fame: 62
Second acc is Muhd Faiz.
Never arrogant. Follow what market tell us.

Joined Mar 2020


It is never wrong to take profit. Took half. See what another half can do.
3 months · translate
Tq for previous rally.
Need base first. Wait for base bo if any in future.
4 months · translate
My favourite set up. Potential IPO high tight flag
4 months · translate
The setup come again yezza. Time to buy again. New base formed & pending BO. Can test water some. Il add more after BO confirmation.
4 months · translate
Looks like Proper base BO
4 months · translate
Sure there is Value investing. But u have to make you due diligence to know the intrinsic value of it. However there is also things called Value Trap. Statistically, when a stock drop more than 50%, it will take months or years to recover or break from sideway or worst further diwntrend. RENEUCO drop ~90% since it top in Jan 2021. At the end of days, whatever make one happy bro as long we profit. Cheers!
4 months · translate
Disagree. Buy, sell & managing position must be govern by some rules or guidelines. What about TA & FA? For me meeting those criteria for own set TA & FA are the logical reason to buy. Stick & master jjst 1 setup can make u profitable in long run. Else u are gambling, not trading/investing.
4 months · translate
our own hard earned moneh shd be invested responsibly. At least read Minervini or O'Neill book for God sake. I dont know, myb over time the trend or FA might improve, but For NOW i dont see any logical reason to buy this stock. U may be trap here myb months or years in sideway.

Just analogy. To go fast ride ferrari or any fast car, not slow car like kancil. So as stock.
4 months · translate
I dont understand why people keep promoting this stock?? FA is bad & TA is too. downtrend & sideway.Nothing seems to be in positive favour. PN17 somemore. What happen to the trend is your friend? Just because someone bought thousand hundreds Ringgit this stock, doesnt mean we shd too. There are hundreds of other stock we can choose from.
4 months · translate
I try not to buy the bottom or sell the top. I try to buy at right point (BO proper base) & sell at right point(Breakdown trendline or MA10/20/50 or Fibo target reached or VPA said so on sell signal) .
5 months · translate
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