Christopher Tay

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Joined Jan 2020


Yesterday · translate
mayb those US glove plant like supermx can start can production in US edy.
4 days · translate
why gg? Q2Q increased so much d
4 months · translate
deng. macam mau run d
5 months · translate
pray jgn u turn
5 months · translate
5 months · translate
anyone know what is the digital payment services of RM97mil revenue? their new a long service?
9 months · translate
预测咯,topglove 是市场份额被中泰抢最多的
9 months · translate
CL at 0.78 edy. fake breakthru.
10 months · translate
可以答你的那个不是大神,是庄家了,不懂是不是得等 insurance 的 claim 到账才会再炒,有谁知道上次烧厂用了几久吗?
1 year · translate
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