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Jing Wen

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Joined Dec 2019


haha... goreng goreng find Vincent Tan jer.
1 year · translate
@The Rock yeah, if i am boss and i really wanted to appreciate my employees. i will keep private listed and each of my employee share the company profit.
1 year · translate
agree to point 2.
for point 1 , i still trying to figure out the rational behind. if it is strong cash flow, why needed to make it public listed ? company like dyson having strong cash flow and keep expending their business too, but they keep private listed.
1 year · translate
it is quite strange. A company will go public listed because it need money to expand business.
But the boss spend extra money for bonus ? someone enlightened me with different thought please
1 year · translate
alex sama dengan topglov , dah lompat
2 years · translate
better dont ask for buy call.
do some work, read the report and make a decision on yours
2 years · translate
multiverse madness
2 years · translate
哈哈, 大师带你到西天。 不过大师带的可能是猪八戒而已。

基本面什么的都是建立在公司业务稳定,前景客观的前提下看的。大师一句话,让你把PE当圣经。 看来西天与你不远了。
2 years · translate
i not sure why ppl trying to challenge.
the statement i made is for the company integrity.
but anyway, it is just a short answer for the situation ppl asking. it doesn't meant buy call
2 years · translate
very easy. coz air asia account does not have issues. integrity issue
2 years · translate
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