wenkiet ong

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买不买得看你期望的是什么,dividend 还是capital gain?dividend的话看过往的派息记录,看未来的派息能力有没有变化;capital gain就看股价上涨空间,看基本盘,看未来趋势。千万不要同时期望dividend和capital gain,那只会让你不知道该怎么做决定。这支股的话一般都是期望dividend的,所以关键在于公司是否有能力继续派息,并保持dividend yield。毕竟期望dividend的都是长期持有,不会轻易卖出,那不管股价怎么变化,都只是纸面上的gain/loss,所以买入的股价不是那么的重要。只要公司的派息能力没有变,股价怎么变化都不该卖出。
3 years · translate
3 years · translate
K S 不能这么看吧
我们来假设政府决定向TG收windfall tax,TG的收入会怎么样?
两种情况,第一是TG自己吸收掉这笔多出来的tax,那么profit margin应该会降低,PAT减少,EPS也会比预期低一些

4 years · translate
Anwar’s mind seems to be negatively biased when talking about China.
4 years · translate
高橋光陽 Stop spreading your fxxking racism mindset. Base on fact and always be objective when you want to show others what you thought.

Don’t become weapons of those rotten racist politicians.
4 years · translate
It is too idealistic that you thought ALL medicines in Msia are from two companies, they are not huge enough to close the demand gap. Even if they did, the gov of Msia should never do that too, as this is a kind of MONOPOLY, which definitely is not advantageous to us Malaysians.

I won’t deny what you found — the common medicines at home are from these two companies, but we shouldn’t assume the whole by observing just a small piece in the particular sector, right?

After all, the link that I provided is published by the government of Malaysia. Unless they lied to us, it should be a strong evidence.
4 years · translate
Anwar Naushad Are you sure that Malaysia never used drugs from China?

Here’s what I found, China is, or at least used to be, one of the major import destination of pharmaceutical products. In 2016 RM 822 mil pharmaceutical products were imported from China, which including provitamins, vaccines, medicament mixtures and etc. (Ref: MITI, Malaysia, https://www.miti.gov.my/miti/resources/13._Pharmaceutical_Industry_.pdf )

I really wondered if the Malaysia that you know and that I know is the same?
“Always based on fact”...? LOL.
4 years · translate
Yes, you’re right. There is higher risk, but doesn’t mean people who bought warrants is STUPID. You have no right to judge them.
4 years · translate
ahpooki tai I wonder where did you get the data 75%? You look so confident

I bought both warrants and mother shares, the earning from warrants is more than from mother share so far. Simply because of the gearing effect. As long as people know the risk of buying warrant, it’s people’s choice to buy warrant or mother share. After all they didn’t use a cent of yours, right?
4 years · translate
老实说,TG现在 RM 53 billion的市值要limit up需要差不多RM 15 billion,这个可能性微乎其微吧?
4 years · translate
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