Raymond Wong

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Joined Aug 2019


Actual can bungkus d and sell off the business to other courier services or change direction and develop all the precious landbank in hand...
1 week · translate
Malaysia stocks oversold? Yes! But nobody dare to rush in d, too many uncertainties ahead....
1 week · translate
What happened to Friday shoot up? Directors pump up to sell first ya....
1 week · translate
Wah nowadays shares with good news/results drop and those with no good one drop even further. If a couple of years ago good news like this may hit double LU already...
2 weeks · translate
Is Padini sales affected by the US tariffs? The world is turning upside down now because US wants to uphold it's greatness/monopoly and forgo the integrity of doing business...
2 weeks · translate
This should be the quietest IPO I've ever encountered b4...
2 weeks · translate
它这个warrant好像是没上市的而且可以马上exercise ie你要卖可以, 给2450(1k shares)立即卖. 到时那个selling pressure...而且power的profit也已经开始下降了, 除了DC主题(要看US的脸色)也没其它大型项目HSR好像也没了声息. 这样的话要推上去不太容易...
1 month · translate
虽然是免费warrant不过share price会adjust而且最后也是要钱的所以大伙都抛之不及是吗?
1 month · translate
The huge losses is it related to non performing loans for property sector? Quite a few major developers especially from mainland were facing financial turmoil in the recent years...
1 month · translate
SY share circulation is absolutely low if compared with it's total no. of shares. I think majority been hold up by bigshots d but it's not too healthy for a successful company...
1 month · translate
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