Wai Kit

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Joined Jul 2019


3 years · translate

1. 人很喜欢非理性地看待事物,无中生有的一种动物。人,很喜欢把无关的理由,套在一件事上来企图解释为什么一件事发生。 一个人开着车,突然他看见一群乌鸦在他的车前飞过,下一秒他就发生车祸。如果那个人把车祸怪罪在看见那群乌鸦,你可能会觉得很不理智,但是你可能会很意外的发现其实很多人都会这样做。causation does not mean correlation.
2. 人很喜欢自我鼓吹,自己永远是对的,别人永远是错的。你我都从同一个商家一起买10粒苹果。不过,同样的十粒苹果,偏偏你会觉得你选择苹果的实力比我厉害所以你选的苹果肯定比我的来的甜。
3. 人是羊群动物,最喜欢寻找有偏见的看法来确认自己的看法是对的,所谓confirmation bias。试问自己,你买一只股票之前,看过多少youtube video,多少blog,多少fb大师的 post来介绍这只股票?你有看过反面的意见吗?看了正方反方你有做过自己理智的衡量吗?接受一方的意见不是错,不过你用什么反面的意见来解释你的行为?
4. 机会较常出现在没有人看的地方。抱团取暖固然舒服,输钱的时候有人可以和你一起共鸣,赢钱的时候大家都是股神。但,你觉得当一只股有着无数的youtube,fb,blog的介绍之后,还剩多少人不知道这间公司是做什么的呢?一只股要上涨,觉得股票会上的人一定要多过觉得股票会下的人。如果大部分的人都觉得一只股票会上,还有多少人会再进场推高股价呢?
3 years · translate
I don't think you get what I'm trying to say. but whatever if you think you are logically correct then sure
3 years · translate
yes, we can only be suspicious at this point, not claim that a scam is happening. the risk is for us to decide if we want to invest or not.
3 years · translate
you say that there is a UFO just cause you think what you saw is a UFO. but you don't have proof that it's a UFO. the burden of proof is on you to show that what you saw is really a UFO. at the end of the day what we can conclude is that the company has non current assets of receivables and high receivables that's all. you can make any decision based on that but don't go around claiming that there is a scam going on when you cannot prove it.
3 years · translate
I'm sorry but I'm too stupid to understand the reasoning, can someone explain? increasing receivables and receivables in non current asset = scam just because previous scandals look alike? Since there are claims that it is cooking the book can someone provide evidence?
3 years · translate
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