Jeff Chew

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Joined May 2019


Ramad, management with no integrity should be warned and never show their name in Bursa anymore.
You should pity their shareholder who invest in the company with their hard earn money.
Doing make up on the financial report to cheat the shareholder and market is totally not acceptable.
1 year · translate
CK sui, 专家只会马后炮。
等capital A 开始盈利又逃离PN17, 专家们就来buy call 了。信专家,capitalA送你荷兰机票。
1 year · translate
Bppoh75 去看 NAV多少。不必看年报的financial, 没意义。
1 year · translate
经过400多天的日子。当初的直角股,全部打包了。朋友们,icap 好不好,自己评估下。
1 year · translate
1 year · translate
City of London wish to do so. You may seek advise from them.
2 years · translate
I believed Tony than Karim.
And mine your mouth bro.
2 years · translate
Why, Lim Horng, why?
2 years · translate
Langsung no integrity and commitment.
2 years · translate
Uncle Lim 说,短期的话上山来就好,立刻可以知道亏损。
2 years · translate
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