Abdul Jabbar

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Joined Mar 2016


Their business rely on purchasing raw materials to produce drugs in US Dollar, but they selling their products mainly in Malaysia and South East Asia quoted in Ringgit Malaysia. Do the math
5 months · translate
7.5cent for the white knight
1 year · translate
At least we know TS rashid paying 7.5cent for 60% new shares to be magically created. So u guys retailers know what price it will go to. Maybe somewhere around 7.5
1 year · translate
On top of getting superb deal at 7.5sen, TS rashid also got 60% of new shares. Immediately diluting everyone share value by 60%. It’s like whatever u have now, let say 30sen divide it by 2.5 : 14sen. Tan Sri dpt 7.5sen just like that. So in the end if retailer keep pushing it up, the clear winner is TS rashid
1 year · translate
How come can go up again when reach 31? Crazy
2 years · translate
They bought 38sen, now almost 80% up already. They going to run already
2 years · translate
They paid 38cents/share for that 30% shares. They already goin to double the money already
2 years · translate
Maybe he took all 30% PP with him
2 years · translate
Mr Chung is really gungho on cypark. Why??
2 years · translate
Chung Chee Yang want to take control of the company, buying it cheap on the market compared to actual asset price and potential generation of money for the next 20yrs
2 years · translate
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