Daniel Liaw

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Joined Apr 2018


This Korean company is very shaddy. remember how it just ipo and suddenly all the bad news come in. they just do some creative accounting to ipo
1 week · translate
won't support company that collude to fix price. no more reputations.
2 weeks · translate
Fine due to collusion on feed price.
2 weeks · translate
floods in West Malaysia. Chicken in hot demand
3 weeks · translate
haha earn from the crash liao. already say sapu
1 month · translate
im aware there is rights and warrant approaching expiration.
1 month · translate
warrants expiring soon. are they depressed price because of this?
2 months · translate
still a very good company. ready to sapu
2 months · translate
sell google cloud? most major companies use AWS or Azure. plus they engage direct to Microsoft or Amazon. why even need 3rd party? maybe aiming for government
2 months · translate
Chin Hin doing many property projects. mostly prime location as well. if this go any lower, sapu.
3 months · translate
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