Book Soon Tan

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Joined Apr 2018


Right issue 7 cents. This rotten company. No one will buy.
1 week · translate
Is your profit real. Keep dropping.
1 week · translate
Another conmen company. Every year made losses. Like doing so many businesses. Turnover little but losses a lot. Non stop bleeding.
1 week · translate
These people have no shame to keep asking for money and loss all the money to their pockets.
1 week · translate
Can SC do something and put all these conmen to jail.
1 week · translate
Buy your shares is really shit. Lost to pants off.
4 weeks · translate
Performance good also share price collapse.
4 weeks · translate
The worst trading counter ever seen. Issue price 32 cents, now.
1 month · translate
Any thing happened to this stock. Bad news?
1 month · translate
Boss and company bankrupt soon. Dropping everyday non stop.
1 month · translate
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