fauzul azhim

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Joined Feb 2018


It is very not responsible to write an article based on rumours.. HTPadu should take action against this news portal, similarly The Edge should take action as their name being quoted in the news though we cant find such article in The Edge..

The details on difference of RM100mil between DNEX and Theha's proposal also shows how the tender is not being handled securely until such details can be leaked to public.. the integrity of the whole tender exercise is seriously in question..
9 months · translate
Not many company in Malaysia can generate over 1 billion revenue in every quarter.. It is quite a waste if such a company dissapear fr O&G industry in Malaysia.. their contribution to Malaysia economy is huge..dont let this ship sink!.
1 year · translate
hari2 ada shareholder baru
2 years · translate
If really the management gave up and the company is going to go bankrup soon, we should see a lot of their asset being put on sell.. So far only their pipe lay barge has been sold, u dont really lay new pipes or make a new platform/rig to catch the good oil price now.. It is whether u have production facility to pump out more oil or not.. If u dont have, then it is just too bad..
2 years · translate
Semua ada agenda masing2.. Dorang nak masuk harga rendah, dorang ckplah xde harapanlah, kena scam lah.. harga rendah pelan2 dorang collect..
2 years · translate
Semua mengharapkan news "MOF will step in to assist Sapura." .. Kalau keluar news nih, meroketlah Sapura
2 years · translate
After PN17 is the regulisation plan.. This will be the most interesting part. If MOF steps in with their SPV to help Sapura at least complete their job in hand, then Sapura will become great again..
2 years · translate
Whether Sapura will get assistant or not is no longer a question - In my opinion, they will get the assistant..
The only question now is 'HOW'.. Would Petronas take over them, will government give them government guarantee so that banks can lend them money, or will MOF set up a new vehicle to jv wt Sapura to finish off their jobs in hand so that they can get their money which they can then use the money as their operating capital.. or in worst case they will be bought over by foreign company, they have good infrastructure that is ready to take up any O&G job!
2 years · translate
Jaga2, mungkin kenaikan semalam hanya permainan speculators.. Pump utk berikan indication Sapura akan di bail-out.. Then ramai yg masuk push harga naik.. harga tinggi nanti, speculators cabut, retailers terciduk.
2 years · translate
regulisation plan submit by Feb 2022..so, not so soon akan delisted.. andaikata on Feb 2022, company boleh convince Bursa yg dorang leh handle hutang2 dorang, then company leh continue on bursa.
3 years · translate
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