Shaiful Azmi

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Joined Dec 2017


no more diesel subsidy, operating cost will increase, profit will go down
3 months · translate
kat mana nk beli ipo ni? miti pon xde
4 months · translate
entitle 210 units, transfer fee rm386. but if transfer failed, pay rm984 to resubmit..anybody took the offer?
7 months · translate
look for umw annoucement dated 27Dec23 in the announcement section above, titled "unconditional mandatory takeover". 2 pdf attached there.
8 months · translate
for those who want to transfer:
1. fillup the acceptance form that was sent to u. or u can dowload it.
2. bring the acceptance form to yr broker, sign depository transfer form n pay rm10 for them to transfer. here u got the transfer ref no
3. signup/login to Tricor website to lodge yr transfer n pay rm5. no need to upload those form, just keyin the transfer ref no. alternatively send both forms by post or by hand to Tricor.
hope this help.

OR just sell them, but pay more for fees. I did both..
8 months · translate
go to yr broker to transfer yr share. pay rm10.
8 months · translate
if sell here, kena byr brokerage n duty..up to u
8 months · translate
i rcvd last week. or u can just download from announcement section above dated 27Dec. Its a blank acceptance form where u fillup yr particular and sign it. bring it to yr broker to do share transfer. better hurry as it due 17Jan
8 months · translate
got the notice on the takeover offer today. anyone can advise on how to takeup the offer? tq
9 months · translate
karim oredy out, now auditor resigned. sounds like serbdk. Im out..
9 months · translate
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