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Queue but EPS still very low. SDS’s EPS 9 sen with market value RM422mil ; KOPI EPS 2 sen with market value RM1560mil! It has been very overvalued, even KOPI net profit increase by 400%, only at same level of EPS with SDS.
KOPI need achieve EPS with 9 sen and plus future value, only worth its current price. But currently EPS only 2 sen.
But even profit increased, EPS per year too small, only 5.7sen.. if let say distributed 50%, dividend yield only 1%. Together with PE by 38, this meaning current share price already reflected very far future performance.
For long term value investors, when it’s PE around 25, and EPS is sufficient to distribute 3 to 5 % dividend yield, only consider good enter point.
What if compared to SDS, which same food industry.. See their EPS, PE, size and financial performance, do you think KOPI market value can 400% over SDS? Is SDS undervalued or KOPI overvalued?
Yearly net income dropped by RM22mil due to smaller fair value gain on investment properties by RM46mil compared to last year, which is unrealized income and not considered as its business performance.
Realized net income increased by RM24mil (+8%). You may refer financial result page 2 of 20.
It is proposed in IPO, so let guys feeling it is cheap and undervalued. For investor, only look at its market value but not share price.
And actually bonus/right issue is not difficult, maybe you could ask your friend who is a company secretary. Bosses normally held more than 50% and can pass the resolution.