king min ho

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Joined Jun 2024


one of the ipo where the chairman sells of 1M of his shares on the first days of listing. The chairman has no qualm to cash out soonest. what can shareholders expect from this company.???
2 days · translate
scam in the making... avoid any IPO undertaken by the IB involved in this listing
2 days · translate
Never buy shares of companies run by a particular race. (not being a racist). They are there to milk the company and gaji buta only.
3 days · translate
why is non exercise cutivedirector disposing his shares on 2nd day of trading? @0.345. no confidence in the company
2 weeks · translate
Directors gaji buta.. should have planted durian trees instead of gerharu.. semua kuat tipu including thee so called solar panel project.
scamming is the best business in Malaysia
3 months · translate
All the dead wood directors of the company should be removed and new dynamic directors appointed to take the company forward.
one of the worst property company with no vision and direction
3 months · translate
kaki tipu, memang tak bolih tukar wajah...
3 months · translate
SC patut siasat kaunter ini. memang penipu Dan scam counter. issue ratusan esos dan least tu consolidations la.. Patut di siasat buat satu ajaran . Scamming is a very lucrative and rewarding business in Malaysia.
4 months · translate
karma has a way of dealing with these crooks....
4 months · translate
NTA of 0.28 but share price at 0.07 to 0.08 sen.. what's Vision for the company ? no strategic plan and Board gaji buta...
6 months · translate
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