Ong Oi Seng

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Joined May 2024


retrace cepat nanti drop 27sen boleh masuk bila retrace
9 months · translate
rasa banyak orang collect bawah 25sen tengah jual
9 months · translate
famous uni from China masuk Malaysia kut
9 months · translate
the legend AHAM buying more. means high upside
9 months · translate
electric vehicle total cost is more expensive. condo where can install private solar system. petrol is still petron core business.
9 months · translate
the discount is to match the book runner fee. so the new buyer cost is the same to market eventually after net discount with transfer cost. no lower price to investor. share buy back is absorb the freak out investor who don't know how to interpret the transaction. eventually the seller will regret as the dividends is coming and they sold
9 months · translate
the slight discount 2-4% where ANZ sold usually is to make out for book runner and transfer fee. so net net the buyer bought at the total cost still at market cost 4.27 so price will go up upon dividend
9 months · translate
Teh jangan hina di sini la. pergi jauh jauh main
9 months · translate
dropping from the mooooon ~ {Bruno Mars, talking to the moon tune} lol employees get shares at such a low price. Retire immediately and YTL gets talent retention problem
9 months · translate
A Share buy back means that the value of the share is low and the companies see that it's an opportunity to buy the shares to take part in future profit opportunities.
9 months · translate
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