Kenny Leto

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Joined May 2024


个人见解,建议可以去看看S&P内容,卖地的条件和基础设施, 再去研究他们的可卖地皮分布和建楼地点, 就知道什么事情了,为什么之前公司会SBB,因为长期股价应该还会再涨,高层不是笨蛋,我就讲到这里, 祝你们新年好运, 拜拜。
1 month · translate
对,但是可能人家不卖 ? 还有超多优质地皮, 可能陆续有来, 不好的是不够成交量,尤其现在大市低迷, 不知道庄家几时回来
1 month · translate
The Board of Directors of CCB wishes to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Panoramic Industrial Development Sdn. Bhd has on ­­­­­­­­­27 January entered into a conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement with Microsoft Payments (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. for a cash consideration of RM120mil.
1 month · translate
Not sure if they wan to give another round before the 2% tax or not, can only guess
3 months · translate
Well, don’t think people will listen to this kind of positive comment above. They will just think you want to pump and dump, won’t be thinking you wanted to join hand to hold price steady until next boom.

It is pretty simple actually, big fund buy, big player buy, they sell in due time when price is high.
So if the stock is so bad without hope, what for everyday still got lots of stock kena sapu at bottom price.

Just wait and you will know.

A lot stock kena sapu at 1.45-1.55 range, trading volume high. Then China stimulus came and they focus on China meanwhile, once China settled down, come back and price fly again . So there is really nothing much to talk about the basic stuffs here, let the boat sail and feel stupid later. But if they temporarily pause this stock and go get some cash at HK/CN now, then it is pretty wise actually, just not sure when they come back time the price still good or not.
5 months · translate
Maybe, I hope so it’s awakening, but based on how the tracker deals looks like yesterday, everytime it drop after some dump, someone will go push it up abit at fractional lots. So yeah it’s quite obvious it’s push and dump, just not sure how long they gonna keep this up. Ride the wave while u can before the party ends
8 months · translate
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