Leong Kah Seng

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Joined Apr 2024


But selling at loss.. I even checked on the short selling list but bauto was just shorted with very minimum units. Just hope that they faster finished out their selling so the price could eventually go up gradually.
2 weeks · translate
Substantial shareholders should make announcement if there is any changes on their holdings. Below the 5% threshold is not required to make announcement therefore we can't identify the selling force. But analysing the selling pressure, it should be crocodile selling instead of retailer. Simply check today's txn, few time hundred K dumping, hardly imaging retailers hold that much and keep dumping months ago
2 weeks · translate
Probably not the substantial shareholder, any possibility for foreign funds? Observing the volume and price, the stock price rises but vol low, when price drops, vol big. And the txn of dumping usually up to few hundred thousands up to million tickets.
2 weeks · translate
It's been quite sometimes, a large fund perhaps has been dumping. The selling pressure very strong, what's more selling at losing
2 weeks · translate
Finally. 7c. Nice
3 weeks · translate
lol bro so true. Macc case companies at least show some rebounds no matter its real or fake. This just dives like everyday. No support observed
1 month · translate
Operator punya keje tu bro
1 month · translate
Pump and dump?
2 months · translate
Marcus, heg is dead water. I'm in that deep sh1t too..
2 months · translate
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