Wilbert Rolfson

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Joined Feb 2024


Tun 1 protasco also billion. AVI small fly a toy only. He got all the money sure selesai. Just watch.
10 months · translate
Chong hantu here also? mana bomoh?
10 months · translate
tunggu beli 3 sen boleh dapat ke?
10 months · translate
Tunggu lama ke? bila boleh naik?
10 months · translate
This stock all shareholders shall go after Chong Ket Pen the criminal and his boss Tun Daim for company lost all result from the 2 culprits greed.
10 months · translate
Amazing Chong ket pen and tun daim can do crime until here, cause other people suffer for their crime. Chong and criminal wash pet pet sit inside for 99 years. live longer don't die so fast yea.
10 months · translate
oh!! CHONG KET PEN play iretax also? wow that is new. Tun Daim and you better dont die wait for behind bar yea.
10 months · translate
Chong Ket Pen you know 2007 no Tun Daim ke? So after 2007 Tun Daim?
10 months · translate
It is Chong Ket Pen (CKP) 's responsibility to divert funds for Tun Daim. Billions. Its how it works, CKP just did his job. CKP ensure using Protasco there is sufficient money to influence newspapers, judges, Bursa, and others, as well as to manipulate news coverage to protect Tun. The folly of Teh and others are not his concern. The secrets of Protasco are closely guarded, beyond the reach of inquiry even MACC.
10 months · translate
Chong Ket Pen and Daim illegal money all washed already?
10 months · translate
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