Lonaldo Lo

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Joined Dec 2023


anyway , different ppl different opinion , no wrong or right. all we just learning to become better in next deal..the only thing i know is offerer very serious about this deal and not play play , but during the AGM meeting got sign show more than 10% are very angry and not satisfy with the deal. if this time fail , GDA still can propose same after one year ..we small share holder dont easily let the big shark win too easily mean sign the go form too early if we already know the offerer background are very serious and super rich..
1 month · translate
my personal opinion, airport is under value compared with our neogbour Singapore airport , thailand airport which is 5 times lower . that is why they wanna privatise with plenty of reason. we must know the offerer come from EPF + ABU DHABI + BLACK ROCK , which malaysia richest , middle east richest and world richest fund ..mean they all super rich, why wanna sign the go form to them ? they easily get the deal mean small holder are win few % only ..now is our time to take money from them , as much as we can.. that why i dont sign the go form even i had 1000 lot worth rm1M Above..but i got sell 40% to take profit first and reserve 600 lot..why ? even the chance are slim , maybe the deal will still call off if they cannot reach 90% , they also will had possibility upping the price to RM 12-13 , but maybe fail also , then we didnt sign the go form can sell in open market which is near rm 12-13 even the deal is call off .. the only advantage of go form is no need brokerage fee and enjoy the same offer if the deal is successful . but we must be able to calculate all the possibility to make sure win all the times even the deal is call off. this similar case happen in MISC , offerer also is khazanah , petronas to privatise MISC , during extension , upping the price , but the deal is call off also..just FYI.. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL.
1 month · translate
you will not get your money if they cannot reach unconditional offer , this is common sense , unless they revise the offer become 85% or so on . you will get your money after 10 working day when it reach unconditional offer . it had stated very clearly in the letter offer , no need to ask reminser.
1 month · translate
i dunno why ppl always ask when can get money ? pls read the letter offer , when it reach 90% and 90% +1 share will become unconditional , then the payment will transfer after 10 days . before day 46th ( 21/1/25) , offerer can revise the conditional offer , eg from 90% to 85% or etc , or revise the price mean upping the price, if revise the price or conditonal offer , then will given another 14 day to collect the share until reach unconditional offer , then will given another 14 day to complete the deal mean collect all balance 10% share mean 74th day is the last day.. standard procedure is 60 days...so the most interesting day will be in next friday until before 21th jan . thailand airport worth RM 100b , pe 44, singapore airport worth 19nillion sgd ( Rm 63bilioon ++) , mahb own klia , klia 2 , subang airport , penang airport , turkey airport , etc which total 39 airport but selling (17billion ), mahb in hand cash rm 2.1 biilion and debt rm 4.5 billion , past 9 month earn 600million .. super under value company , that why gda wanna privatise .. and small share holder only interested to sell rm11 and very happy ?
1 month · translate
ppl disagree also no effect to them , this only let ppl to give comment for 1 weeks for this cooling period before going to next transaction . not for normal ppl or politician to critic or try to stop transaction..again the decision maker is PURCHASER AND SELLER ,
3 months · translate
this is standard procedure. put 1 week in advertisement board like ppl get married put notice only..u can feedback and give comment but decision maker still under airport party not you and me ..
3 months · translate
mavcom had approved on 30th Oct ..see their annoucment at mavcom website
4 months · translate
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