Juen Wei Mak

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Joined Nov 2023


Hold some extra cash on hand and wait for the September federal rate announcement. Not to be pessimistic but I believe the downtrend of share price will be continue. Recently, the company and the directors keeps buyback the shares had showed its confidence towards the lbs future.

Especially the upcoming of fourth quarter report might be outperform if the transaction of motor circuit is completely done without any intervention. Special dividend might be given upon the completion of sales as the announcement did not mention any details about how the money received will be utilise. The lack of details in utilising the money are believed to announced after the money were completely received from the buyer.

Recently, I will continue holding the lbs until the fourth quarter report is out if only the economic and market is still in normal condition. Don’t try to fight with the market. If the announcement of federal rate is out of my expectations, I would cut loss some and seek for a better position to re-entry since lbs had its value inside.
6 months · translate
These few days going to be very challenging for the stock market. Prepare yourself guys. It’s going to be really tough.
7 months · translate
Good qr result, dividend declared increased followed with improved profit in the business. Will continue to hold, and refill after the dividends are declared.
10 months · translate
Patience is key, LBS needs time to be realized by the investors. I have held it since December 2023 and add-on at the price of 0.675 in the middle of April. I think the fair value for the stock was at least at the price of its subsidiaries (MGB) 0.80 something. It's normal the share price fluctuates, as long as no big economic issues happen, just a matter of time for LBS to reach at 0.80 this year.
10 months · translate
oh wow, surprising movement of share price haha
10 months · translate
I don't think it will drop until 0.5 in the short term since the business keeps expanding and revenue of business shows increasing as well, which is a good sign. To be honest, I would average down as long as the business revenue shows increasing or maintained at the level. Plus the dividend yield given 4%, and the past history shows bonus issues declared every 2 years in these years which is quite attractive at the current price level. Of course, no buy sell recommend ahh.
11 months · translate
actually it's a good price to enter right now, still waiting for it to drop hehe ... I haven't finished collecting yet, tend to average down ... recently there is a strong support on 0.69 to 0.695, it has been fluctuating between 0.710 to 0.695 these couple days.
12 months · translate
Yaa, target price only for reference, of course you have to do some homework before investing. I believe their food & beverage may contribute more profit to its business in these few quarters, as tourism is recovering right now.
1 year · translate
At least their food&beverage earn higher profit than before. Let's see its performance this year, hope it can maintain their revenue in this year or even higher since food&beverage have high operating costs
1 year · translate
Waiting for QR, then only considering adding-on on this price
1 year · translate
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