Ioip Managing

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Invest in good company . comment garbage company in bursa malaysia

Joined Jul 2023


MDT is coming ! end of the month will announce. Will spike !
4 months · translate
Tomorrow FLY !! Amazing results and superb dividend payout. Finally award shareholders !
10 months · translate
Actually no need to buy this stock lah. As we easily can see major party is converting and selling. Below RM 0.50 only buy, no need rush in to collect their expensive tickets. Their ticket price are around RM 0.30 - RM 0.40. Why we want to buy expensive ticket. Bear in mind, their warrants are free.
11 months · translate
RM 0.68 now as expected. Soon RM 0.50 and below. No matter how much is the earnings of the company as long as the big shark wanted to pull the share price down, it will continued to be in downtrend. The minority interest continue buying and continue dying, so kesian those hard earned money. Maybe around RM 0.40 is a good price.
1 year · translate
Got movement la. Just continue down only. Maybe want to pull back below 50cents
1 year · translate
Seriously rubbish stock ! thought director buying back got good news, even company making profits but seemed like to be used the other ways. No capital gain, no dividend, no share buy back. Invest in other companies are better compared to this at least got fixed dividend. In current share price movement, seemed like got a big shark keep throwing his share slowly and quit for this stock. Traders and investors are difficult to earn any money on this counter, the share liquidity for this share is too low no easy to sell even you wish to have sell it for urgent matters. And even hold for long term, there is no dividends to reward shareholders as well. Tried to think of it then if someone want to buy for this share. Maybe can wait to buy at 0.20 and wait for next goreng.
1 year · translate
This counter is dead. feel so disappointed, seriously nothing done on the company. Main market also no volume, should list under ACE market la.
1 year · translate
Wow management is buying back huge at RM 0.80 .It seemed like management is confident the value of this share to be above 0.80. Tomorrow masuk abit for long term. Please don't let me feel disappointed !
1 year · translate
1 year · translate
Everyday press release which did not bring value to the company. Everyday MOU & collaboration, please do something on the ICO launching.
1 year · translate
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