Ricky Loke

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Joined Jul 2023


天时地利人和, time to shine…expect to break RM2
4 months · translate
0.60 should not be a problem, new casinos in Southeast Asia, also more machines to replace croupier, will see better earnings in coming quarters
4 months · translate
You are the man…what is brewing?
8 months · translate
Flying to the moon
8 months · translate
Boycott in Nestle will benefit Ableglob
9 months · translate
Possible to reach 1.70 tomorrow
10 months · translate
TP .60 …collect now to make 100% for new year
10 months · translate
Don’t all in but chances of winning is high if enter at this price, aax good news coming soon….
10 months · translate
LHI LAYHONG bosses all selling, only CCK boss buying own shares..CCK is the poultry stock go for
10 months · translate
As long as company is making money, upliftment is not an issue. Never had company that’s making money suspended in exchange
10 months · translate
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