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foo xuan tan

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Joined Jun 2023


This is a scammer account!!
Their stock prices are heavily manipulated
You don't know when it's going to collapse. When you know, you won't have time to run.
They can drop 20% in a minute!!!
10 months · translate
Was the PP complete? coz I saw P/E Ratio reduce to normal value
1 year · translate
I pun x faham, tapi I rasa ada dua kemungkinan, 1st, WA akan digoreng 1 atau 2 kali dalam tiga bulan ni. 2nd, pembeli ada maklumat dalam tau exercise period WA akan extend.
1 year · translate
If you are trapped in it, REMEMBER to set a T/P order, run away ASAP when you win a little bit
1 year · translate
Warrant like gambling, sometimes they will push to the 52W high before the expire date, then pump and dump.
1 year · translate
C-AM also like gambling. Sometimes they will push to the 52W high before the expire date, pump and dump.
If you are trapped in it, remember to set a T/P order, run away ASAP once you take back a little bit.
1 year · translate
Poor hater, even if you want to spread rumors, at least look at some data and do some homework okay?
Keep talking how kington will manipulate KAB, adui...anyone got otak or fingers can check, since July 13th till now, Kington disposed 169,658,000 units,
But what is the impact? any crash like that fool keeps talking about? hahaha
1 year · translate
hahahaha poor rumor monger
1 year · translate
today volume tell everything
1 year · translate
SEE!!! 0.005!!!!! I already said that
MMAG stock is just a scammer trap!!!!
1 year · translate
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