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分析 JAYCOROP (7152) - 22/07/2024 (完整分析在TELE GROUP)

Price: RM0.745


净现金, 业绩稳定,但是没什么成长,股息率不错,但是要看能不能持续。现金流转健康。


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Kwai Ng
別错过這一次的股息, hold一年加上這次股息, 扣除股息后 , 股价在低位,稳稳拿股息
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Chee Hoong See
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Good dividen, 买了才知道是垃圾
Nearly 3 years, no capital gained.
Like · 3 months · translate
encik sampat
yaa. boring stock
Like · 3 months · translate
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keep calm & park here
Ak Gan
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this is a good dividend stock, just buy for long term and have peace of mind investment in this counter,
Eric Fong
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Very good dividend yield
Helffi Helmi
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Last time jaycorp gap down right.. Can grow now?

Stuck sebab tnggu dividend je cb
Wong Choong Kian
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One of highest dividend penny stock, Fri volume more than 5 to 7 times average daily volume, will fly soon
Choo Pin
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dividend received well. thank for the year. till next round
Mike Jcy
may I know what time you received ya? mines up to now yet received....huhu
Like · 8 months · translate
Kwai Ng
现在0.70又加码, 时间越长 越有效 复利的威力真不可思议。
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Helffi Helmi
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Fast2 i need dividend
Helffi Helmi
Yea yea hahah
Like · 9 months · translate
Ivan Chew
dividend payout day
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Helffi Helmi
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What the fish, gap down..
Shiuh Rong Yong
thought wana wait until below 70 cent baru masuk
Like · 9 months · translate
Helffi Helmi
Yea Just wait.. Jaycorp will win the race later huhu
1 Like · 9 months · translate