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Many projects in hands doesn’t mean that company will make a lot profit, this is a new management team, so far we don’t see any positive QR in these years
Abang Azzarim entered this company as Chairman to the Board of Directors for only one year and 3 months, he has now controlled about 15% of the total paid up capital, the company sure to acquire a big projects from the Sarawak Government. it has good future prospect. buy now at about 11 cts is not too late. buy and hold patiently for a couple of years, it will probably bring you good fortune. you will not regret if you buy it for long term investment. if you wish to get quick money out from
this counter, this might not be suitable for you. there must be some good news for the company very soon, otherwise Abang Azzarim and Lo Ling ,both of them are Company Directors, will not keep on buying in the company shares of millions and millions.