Teong Hin Koid's comment on HIBISCS. All Comments

Teong Hin Koid
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the biggest devil to dmall investors is to allow big sharp be bankerz or share brokers to borrow shates to sell short that is the main flaw klse purposely or not to get that happen becos our market has no competitors usually foreign fund to countercheck so create the trump that control the whole market
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Remmy Jr
I also heard that those short sellers borrow retail investors shares from brokerage firm to short. It is like when you buy this shares and your brokerage firm secretly lend it out to short sellers for a certain fees. Then the short seller buy it back at lower price and return to our brokerage firm. Indirectly means we buy to let short seller short it lower. We lose, but both brokerage firm and short seller win.
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