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Dnex price NTA 0.58 ,Next week target rm0.45 . ..0.51..0.63..0.72...........
now is very cheap to enter , hopefully big investers to call buy for future projects score and project on hand can see announcements..
knowing dnex, their timing announcements has always bad! they announce positive things when market is bad and bad things when markets are good! stupid and useless ceo!!!!
useless ceo. does nothing and just wait for projects from government. the reason share price going down because this useless ceo cannot secure good investors into his company.. that is why counter price goes down more (%) when market bad and does not go up when market is good.
don't talk of securing investor. I think the ceo never goes and promote his counter to the investor! Just see how he put all his shareholders (us) in the dark. Who know the progress of sittera this now; KNOW ONE KNOW!!! that is the CEO and COO of dnex! useless!!! kept this counter more than 3 years now! what shareholder interest has this dnex CEO us!!!!!!!
exactly Lim. he is lucky that all recent agm is done online where he can select questions to answer. otherwise, the shareholders will drill him kaw kaw!!!!
we now have to suffer another year just because he gives empty promises that dnex will have dubble digit profit! he has nothing to lose. take another year of free salary and if cannot come true, give another stupid excuse and stay another year or resign. either way, he gains !!!!!
good morning all the member , worldwide market is recover back , although KLCI also push back to 1620 level+/- , but market sentiment look very weak. DNeX by this week , will have any improvement OR Good announcement?
still No any further announcement about NIISE , THE EDGE news can't be trusted. as a shareholder , ONLY hope for quarterly report will show strong profit.