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Muhibah's share price hit RM 1.10 on 13th June which is the highest level since Mar 2021.
Subsequently the price has fall sharply to lowest RM 0.925 (-15.9%) in the following week.
Coincidently, the website showing the number of daily arrival flights in Phnom Penh airport also start dropping since the same week.
(big players also refer the same data ?)
Here are some figures for comparison:
23Q4: average 341 arrival flights per week
24Q1: average 356 arrival flights per week (still improving compare Q-Q)
1st Apr - 16th Jun: average 359 arrival flights per week (still improving compare Q1)
BUT then~
17th Jun - 23th Jun (the week after share price hit new high): total 343 arrival flights during the week (start falling)
24th Jun - 30th Jun: total 331 arrival flights during the week (lowest in 2024)
** The share price's movement is highly correlative with the airports' traffic~
Thankfully, the flights number has start rebound (back to average) since beginning of July as:
1st Jul - 7th Jul: total 360 arrival flights during the week
8th Jul - 14th Jul: total 352 arrival flights during the week
15th Jul - 21th Jul: total 365 arrival flights during the week
Hopefully the share price may rebound in tandem with the traffic soon~
** Please take note, the Cambodia's toruist low season used to happen during Q2 & Q3 v.s peak season during Q1 & Q4 !
** If the low season can maintain such number of flights, then Q4 figure will be much much better !!