Ah Choon Wong
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Armada NTA 1.01…会出什么价格入股 ?
Ah Choon Wong
还是要看它的 net operating cashflow 吧 !
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Ah Choon Wong
从 2022 年的第一季开始,每季都有 net operating cashflow 2-3 亿左右,bursa 的股也是少见之一吧 !
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Ah Choon Wong
Microsoft 现今的股价,p/e 高过 它的 roic , 又如何解續 ?
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Ah Choon Wong
学会了 roic , 好像不可一世 ,roic 只是一个指標而于,它並不代表一切……….
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Ah Choon Wong
什么大环境 ?Andre Kastolany 所强调的宏观分析啦 !
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Ah Choon Wong
如果每个股都可以用算来决定股价,股市也不会有7-2-1 的魔咒了,每个人会赚大钱 ……
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Ah Choon Wong
If you don’t follow the ‘trend’ is your friend, you cannot go very far….infotec just follow the trend of Data Center and AI also …….
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Ah Choon Wong
Although infotec follow the trend of Data Center and Ai , it’s one of the least up one as compared with others ……
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Ah Choon Wong
If infotec don’t follow the trend , it’s price still will be around 0.80 …….
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Ah Choon Wong
倉位管理啦,高估值低倉位,低估值高倉位 !
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Ah Choon Wong
Warren Buffet also says , a company’s consistent strong positive cashflow is more important than anything …..
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Ah Choon Wong
它把债由 130 亿,还剩下 42亿,这不是錢吗 ?
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Ah Choon Wong
你眼中只有 infotec ….. 把其他的股看成一文不值,坦白说,这次炒 Data Center 和AI 的主题,infotec 的起幅是最差之一 !
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Ah Choon Wong
如果你一年前賣了 infotec , 而買入YTL or ytlpower….. 你今天的赚幅是多少倍 ?
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Ah Choon Wong
如果还次 infotec 不是靠 data centre 和 Ai 的 trend , 你以為 infotec 以这样的业绩,可能会有这个价吗 ? 醒醒吧 !
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Ah Choon Wong
燒錢还这么多大公司来建 data Centers ? 人家是前瞻性的思维吧 !
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Ah Choon Wong
Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon 的 data centres 赚钱你不講….. 徧徧講亏的那个 ………
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