Chee Hoong See's comment on SNS. All Comments

Chee Hoong See
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Meaw meaw Cat
快谢谢meaw , meaw 的苦肉计 成了 。庄家看不爽meaw , 就很大力, 谢谢老板。 恭喜大家赚钱。
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Meaw Meaw Cat
有只徦貓出来马后炮了! 哈哈哈! short selling 输到脸都变紫色了.
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Mohd faizal Mohd Ibrahim
pity purple fake kitty cat...better u go learn more before jump in trading..kahkahkah
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Ng Kelvin
Purple Meaw 输到傻9了
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Meaw meaw Cat
那么认真 , 不吓一吓 哪里有机会 0.735 买得到 。 ai trend , goreng trend . Meaw , 如果 Meaw 有输 Meaw 就不会 现在心情那么好了 , 只是没想到 这个庄这么激进。 out of Meaw expectation .
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Meaw Meaw Cat
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Meaw meaw Cat
@faizal , gamble And invest is 2 kind of thing , Soon the statement you Need To Ask own self for sure . Meaw
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Ng Kelvin
条友真的傻9了哦. Hahaha
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Mohd faizal Mohd Ibrahim
purple kitty fake cat newbie, where your limit down ??? kahkahkah..if gamble, i go genting, no need trade stock ...kahkahkah
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Mohd faizal Mohd Ibrahim
purple kitty cat fake cat : is it your expectation is important to us ?? u talk kosong only..talking without knowledge about trading stock..nobody care about your expectation..not only us, but even operator lauging at you now..kahkahkah..u such a joke lah..kahkahkah
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Meaw meaw Cat
pity of you , many cells die and create more cancer cell inside your body just because of a unknown meaw . Meaw
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p 1
Pity to you purple cat kikiki
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Meaw meaw Cat
please pity me , meaw ^^ .
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Lee Biu Ghze
This operator very good, don’t want the price to drop despite such a bad QR. Tmr not sure though!
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