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Y Jimmy's comment on EKOVEST. All Comments

Y Jimmy
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some corporate exercise is cooking, where the main construction arm (ECSB with RTS link RM 1.47B project) will merge with Knusford. in return Ekovest will get 750M shares of Knusford. ECSB contributing > 40% of Ekovest revenue. Any one know how is the Asset & liability structure of this ECSB? If this ECSB is having huge loan, by transfering this to Knusford, definitely can reduce the finance cost of Ekovest, in turns improving the financial result of Ekovest. With PP @ RM0.435, definetly worth to put an eye at this level of price.
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Hew Yoon Shin
old news already. until now still no update
Like · 9 months · translate