wilsonku wei shen's comment on TOPGLOV. All Comments

wilsonku wei shen
5 Like · Reply
放心啦!买就对了!我不相信TOPGLOV 会跌破1.0。
michael hosehliao
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Francis Lai
topglove和supermax的操作跟着一个模式就对了 Rm0.7-rm0.8以内买…rm1以上放完 每次这样来回操作就够了 直到有一天这两间业绩开始赚盈利就hold着长期就对了
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Lim Kim Eng
agree with you....that is not way TG can up...below rm1 is confirm.....i am also waiting to buy again below 0.80 level
2 Like · 3 months · translate
Cannie Lim
Dropped buy…. Drop again then buy again
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chunye low
那个退休基金局在 8毛的时候买很多哦。刚刚好卖给我们。套利,大赚一笔。
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Kee Woei
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wilsonku wei shen
1 Like · 2 months · translate