Chee SIong Lau's comment on KSL. All Comments

Chee SIong Lau
2 Like · Reply
Dex Ng
做么会买不到,你要全收购 ksl ? 哈哈哈
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chunye low
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Chee SIong Lau
要股息买maybank, mbsb
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Dex Ng
chunye low , 那你分享一下你买什么高股息的 counter 呗。。。
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chunye low
maybank, cimb, bimb, Kmloong, 大众就比较吝啬。你看KSL赚那么多钱,pe 才 3,一点都不分,全部拿去加工钱了。
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Chee SIong Lau
chunye low 资金很大。。。是大脚来的。。。我资金小。。。就是要以小博大的
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chunye low
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Dex Ng
我喜欢 ksl 很会起,我买入卖出几轮了。。。那可以说是我的盈利,也可以说是我自己赚到的股息。。。
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Dex Ng
chunye low ,你介绍的高股息的 counter ,对我来说,很低呢。。。我的有8%
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chunye low
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Dex Ng
我的养老股是 hektar ,股息高,股价 undervalue 。。。赞啊。。。
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Chee SIong Lau
2 Like · 5 months · translate
Chee SIong Lau
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Chee SIong Lau
今天你的的给力。。。如果 ?后悔药卖。。我就发财了
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Chee SIong Lau
1 Like · 5 months · translate
New record high!
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Shun En
买不到了,可以让我回去昨天吗 哈哈啊
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Dex Ng
各位朋友,我今天卖完了。。。赚不多,都吃几餐 kfc
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Chee SIong Lau
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Vincent Chin
congrat, 这股磨耐性,终于爆发,量价齐升。。
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Dex Ng
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Goh Aik
美國道琼斯工业平均指数昨晚跌530點, 已跌至一個月的新低點了, 大家應該多注意一下吧.
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law decky
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Wong Chee Siong
要停盘公布消息了,私有化RM 3.5
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Vincent Chin
终于等到这under value 的股票股价上来了,gogogo
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chunye low
你们这边有人用moo moo交易吗??
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Chee SIong Lau
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Haha... 说得对
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Zhikang Sim
今年不降息了那里都是gg 的啦
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Shun En
moomoo的母公司有在nasdaq上市的市值7.8bil USD, 敢敢用就是了
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Vincent Chin
问一下,用moomoo 交易什么水钱?
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Shun En
0 commission fee
RM3/platform fee
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Vincent Chin commision fees for every trading ?this is only for cash account ,right?can consider to open one account, no remiser to serve user, right?
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Shun En
For the first 6 months only. Moomoo only provides cash account, no contra, no margin. Directly register through the apps.
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Vincent Chin
alright, thks for the information.
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chunye low
Vincent 你太迟申请了,送一股苹果股票的活动好像过了。水钱0.03%巴仙,大众0.042%。现阶段不用钱,而且送RM 100礼卷。
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Vincent Chin
low 我看到fb分享活动延迟到15号,deposit 10k 可以拿到apple share rm900.想问这deposit 10k可以拿来交易吗,如果想继续得到这apple 奖励?
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Vincent Chin
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chunye low
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Chee SIong Lau
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chunye low
我已经进了20天了,我有介绍很多朋友和亲戚可是他们都不相信。放着就有900,都没人要。MOO MOO的促销活动真的很像外面的诈骗。哈哈哈。
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Dex Ng
现在money game 的诈骗手法以进入了股票市场,所以开户口必须开在正规的马来西亚银行户口,别贪小便宜。。。
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Dex Ng
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Shun En
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chunye low
dex ng, moo moo 是正规的。大马交易所首席执行员有帮moo moo 主持推荐礼。。。
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Chee SIong Lau
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lee lee
KSL 酒店没人X了 哈哈哈
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Chee SIong Lau
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lee lee
有这么好吗这股 , 15年到现在老板没派过股息
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Vincent Chin
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chunye low
Moo Moo, 又有出活动了。 给你10万模拟投资,如果10%回酬就送RM 80现金劵,5%送30块,3% 5 块。股票行应该只有MOO MOO,送钱吧。。。
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lee lee
呵呵 基本面早上就跌落。。。。。。
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Vincent Chin
回归基本面价值投资,恭喜还hold 着票的股友
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bppoh75 poh
congratulations all, huat ah
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Vincent Chin
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bppoh75 poh
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Vincent Chin
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bppoh75 poh
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