Poh Chai Teoh's comment on GENTINGC2Y. All Comments

Poh Chai Teoh
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Kevin Yap
Ohhhh dearrr.....saw it....thanks mate....really kaw kaw, like the kopi kaw that i am having this morning....68-0.360, 73-0.290..waiting....30% from the peak, right?
1 Like · 7 months · translate
Kevin Yap
I kamsiah u ler....if not i die fast
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin….Just wait until the right time…
most of the time when Puasa coming, correction will come ….
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Kevin Yap
ok, ACW... I oso kena bersabar mcm puasa ya
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Kevin Yap
now i understand why u mentioned not to over commit
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Ah Choon Wong
超人这次大发了……. 哈哈哈 !
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW... hahaha...superman pulak turn si beh song lor
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Kevin Yap
ACW...ur baby awan sui sui bo zhao jui
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , ya lah ……go go go !
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genting go go go 开车咯兄弟
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Ah Choon Wong
超人…. 六分半到角三,100% 了 ,哈哈哈 !
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1 Like · 7 months · translate
Kevin Yap
superman...pigi penang makan, then hatyai mandi, then bangkok b2b then chiang mai lo
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Kevin Yap
superman....satu kali tiup pigi china....LU la...ala brani ka
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, i already booked going to Chengdu 九寨沟 on 21/4 ……VIP trip eight thounsand plus per person, go together with 小野喵…….
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Kevin Yap
u r a good hubby....family always ur top priority..tunggu wa untung cikit dulu...then go near near....cari sesuap bubur is not easy...
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , today too busy monitoring CTOS, I contra 70% and made some profit ….hahaha !
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Kevin Yap
ACW...fuyoh.....power, li-hai...congratulation bro.

Nanti ada banyak olang bising lo
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Ah Choon Wong
Let then bising lah, do what is right and make profit …….
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Poh Chai Teoh
ACW,70% so good,I only earn 42%,1k kopi duit.
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin …

Six years ago , my daughter graduated from London School Of Economics majoring in Finance, she got first class honours, I asked her to apply to Creador Private Equity Fund as an analyst, she applied but failed to get a place, that’s why I am very familiar with Creador Fund and the boss, I saw Creador fund keep buying for the past two months, when the shares dropped heavily, I dared to buy in ……
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Kevin Yap
ACW, Exactly...a good leader cannot fulfill everyone's needs! Do what is right, what u give is what u get
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Kevin Yap
wow, ur daughter very pannai ler....mcm bapak!
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Kevin Yap
Teoh, 1k itu bukan kopi luit...itu sudah boleh beli manyak starbukcs lo...congrats
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Ah Choon Wong
Teoh , not 70% profit lah , 70% of the total shares …….
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW....wei wei.....shhhhh, i tell u , u dun tell others ooi....superman sudah cepat cepat beli AEON voucher oooi....lalalallalalal
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Lee Biu Ghze
I think I saw multiple 500 lots, I guess that was his!
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Kevin Yap
shhhhhhhhhh......1888 lots tuh....huaatttt arrr
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Lee Biu Ghze
I bought a bit only & wait for QR……
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning, people say I 教坏人…

ask people to buy call warrants. The problem is that I don’t simply buy the call if the mother shares without very good fundamentals and future prospects….
this is the main reasons we apply 小刀锯大树 tactic ……
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Kevin Yap
ppls said what is not important...who are they to judge when they don't even know us. Sometimes, i do think why they have so evil mindset. Why life cannot be just simple.....
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Kevin Yap
ok, later i buy bulk again in MYEG...to prove to them i memang kwai lan.....i like mah, so what.....puiii
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Poh Chai Teoh
ctos-c7 new one,ratio 1.50 1:1,so good.
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Kevin Yap
Premium % is high , right? ACW?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, yes…wait until mother clear a bit !
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Kevin Yap
ACW, unless we Q at 0.03/0.025
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, yes ……index down heavy !
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Kevin Yap
yes yes...5 mins after market open terus hancur\
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Kevin Yap
wa Q some @ 0.030 (20%++) and 0.025 (80%++)
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Poh Chai Teoh
ACW,index down is it adjustment ex dividend? MBB, Pbb,misc,pmetal?
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Ah Choon Wong
Teoh , ok thanks………………….
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Kevin Yap
ACW...creador beli lagi lo
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , yesterday one …………
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Kevin Yap
hahaha, i am 2 steps behind
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Kevin Yap
ACW, who get the warrants @ 0.180, must be very painful.... dunknow when can get back 0.180 lo
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW...can u smell the casino bau?kikiki
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning , there is a saying , sell in April/May, go for holiday ……just watch how things turn out ….
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Kevin Yap
ok ok...paham...we go jalan jalan makan makan better...see vomit blood
1 Like · 6 months · translate
mana nak pergi kelvin and 股神acw
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Kevin Yap
wa ikut lu, superman!
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Leo 对对,我是股息过后才进的,我的avd price 0.66
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Poh Chai Teoh
超人,超人,I'm back........
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poh 我也已经捞底成功 ,赌一个业绩哈哈哈
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Poh Chai Teoh
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那么多啊 poh 那里看
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Poh Chai Teoh
Genting Singapore
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下个星期 haosei 了 谢谢poh
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Ah Choon Wong
247.4 million Sg …increased by 92% of last year !
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Poh Chai Teoh
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Ah Choon Wong
Poh … 所以我说过,有赚要分批走 !
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Kevin Yap
Acw....y or w cantekkkkkk?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , yes ….SG genting results fantastic , hopefully Genting Malaysia will have a very good result …..
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW...thanks ...baby W and Y look yummmy...ada baby lain ka
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning…..

As I have said, Mi-C20 or Mi-C22…trading buy …..like MNRB calls ….
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW...yes yes, in my list , sudah simpan baik baik...

Genting got other sui baby ( other that T,W,Y)?
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Ah Choon Wong
Genting Singapore Limited reported substantial growth in the first quarter of 2024, with a 62% increase in revenue to $784.4 million and a 93% surge in Adjusted EBITDA to $369.5 million, compared to the same period the previous year.
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Kevin Yap
ACW, wokie-okie. Thanks ya...have a good breakfast bro
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Ah Choon Wong
当我袋袋平安時,那些有的没得我还再呼吗 ?
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Kevin Yap
apahal big brother ACW?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin. No lah, make some jokes !
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Kevin Yap
ohh ok ok....rest well ACW. See u tmr morning... m20, 22, s78,A28,c49...lai...all go go go ya
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Mayanne Chan
Kevin, all sui sui lai lai... hahaha!
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Kevin Yap
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股神acw 那时候我差一点无命输了接近 140k 在call wa ,哈哈哈好彩真的这次死过翻生
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老千可是200 lots 200 lots这样玩。。


谁可以解释为什premium 会 -18%?

mnh -wa...-ve 8%??
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Liv 我觉得也是现在好彩回本了,等业绩出以后就不怎么玩了call wa
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Ah Choon Wong
在股市,贪婪会变得贫穷,永远记得有利先套一部分 ……..Bernard Baruch says , my success in the market,’ I am selling too soon ‘.
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Ah Choon Wong
在股市,你不做功课,没獨到的眼光,前瞻性的洞察力,不止损,还是会亏大钱。Warren 買 ECA 就是最好的一个例子。三年前在高峰期去追手套股及科技股的也是很好的例子……..
任何股票都会有风險,要怪只能怪自己的贪婪,衝动,认知的徧见……….. 亏了就怪别人,这就是散户的思维……. 醒醒吧!

这里有个故事,我有一位朋友在新加坡,这两三年只玩 Nasdaq 的期指,到现在赚了三百多千的新币,这又是如何的解释 ?

Happy Trading and Investing ……….
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1 Like · 5 months · translate
Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW.....thanks for your insight. Agreed. Btw, u have coffee everyday? Enjoy ya....
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Ah Choon Wong
芭佬買股有次次去止损吗 ? 前瞻性的业绩预期会好,加码不是買到更便宜的货吗。?
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Ah Choon Wong
Warren 明知当時科技股反轉向下,还去加码,这就是向逆市操作 ,永远记得,The Trend is Your Friend !
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superman 赢大就拿来做example, 到处吸引新手买沃伦。。输大的case, 他会用来叫新手警惕吗?kns

超人类,检讨一下,目前klse 好多公司几个业绩都赚钱,股价都飞了。。如果把沃伦的赌博,而买这些好公司,不是盈利也不赖。。压力也少了许多。。。
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Ah Choon Wong
建议你去看…. 滚雪球…芭菲特和他的财富人生,芭佬年轻时是如何買股的 …………..
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Ah Choon Wong
我还记得这个 Liv 99, 在幾年前还叫人買进 Dnex( 当時八角多),去年 AAX 两塊以上,Gtronic 2.60 左右,看看现在它们的价格如何 ?
满口脏话的家伙 !
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这个acw 老千又来旧事重提。。

他介绍的股astro, lct....完全没有翻身还。。一路下。。。

dnex 上到1.3 他不说。。。kns

老千也曾经在gtronics 炫耀他不说。。
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Ah Choon Wong
超人…. 你赚 200K 時,我曾經提醒你要分批賣,不能贪心,贪婪会变贫啊…. 切记,切记,股市錢赚不完的 ……..
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1 Like · 5 months · translate
Kevin Yap
why u only remind superman? not fairrrrrrrr.....kikiki....just kidding ACW....will take note on selling in batches ya
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Kevin Yap
ACW, biar la dia olang.....kita enjoy our games while sipping coffee....song lo
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin….good morning , always remember to take some profit when market hot, anything can happen to the market , when there is a reversal trend , you are prepared ……..
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Kevin Yap
i willlllllll ACW.....thanks mate
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
很多人七八塊去買 HL cap, 结果如何 ?
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Kevin Yap
wakakakaka, look at ytl...what is the result....wa talak ACW
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股神acw 在吗?其实genm 和genting 那个比较好
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Ah Choon Wong
超人 .. Genting 比较好啦 ……………….
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choon 哥这个可以买点来锯树吗?
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Ah Choon Wong

起了 100% 了,而且 premium 9% 对比 3 个月期限,有风險了…….. 除非云顶起得很强……
安全一点的有 C2W 和 C2Z ………因为 premium 对比期限相去不远……..
1 Like · 5 months · translate
谢谢大神 acw hahaha
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