Ah Choon Wong's comment on 467768. All Comments

Ah Choon Wong
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今天大量買入 ,等母股业绩公布 !
Ah Choon Wong
你没看上面十五天前我写什么,十五天前的价是多少 ?
Like · 6 months · translate
Kevin Yap
aiyoyo...come on...nanti God of Prosperity lari ooiii....Don't like that la
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Kevin Yap
yes, i bot it back, but as i mentioned it's a mistake because my hand itchy, not bcos of other.....I sold it with a loss, but it's ok...lesson though....wrong admit improve...
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Ah Choon Wong
非洲狮,业绩已经公布完,手上抓多点现金才是上策,而且 Puasa 也要到了,已经强调多次,还是不会醒目吗 ?
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Ah Choon Wong
昨天才唱衰 TRC说是烂股,今天就起了 …… 哈哈哈
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Ah Choon Wong
小刀锯大树 ……… 哈哈哈 !
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lau andy kok chong
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Kevin Yap
ACW, itu knife must be belong to Han Dynasty punya kan....lalalalallalalal....song song lor
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lau andy kok chong
哇...Kevin u hari hari lalalala mesti untung Banyak,tapi macam Amoi...呵呵...呵
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Ah Choon Wong
Amoi cantik lo ………….hahahaha !
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Kevin Yap
Andy....pasal ACW wa lalalala...ACW pasal ah moi dia lalalala...alamak
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Ah Choon Wong
Wao !!! ……..ini Kali lah………..
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Kevin Yap
45 degree weeeiiii...lalalalala
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Kevin Yap
Andy....u said i am ah moi arrr? i si beh sui sui one
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Kevin Yap
ACW....bo blake liao
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin…Si Beh Song lo ….Hahahaha !
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Kevin Yap
lalalalalalal....song song!
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Kevin Yap
ACW, next one apa....we ajak Superman
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin …

RHB -C51, buy little play play ……..
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Kevin Yap
ok ACW...yeah :)
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, you ada dapat keci keci itu ?
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Kevin Yap
bank punya ka
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Ah Choon Wong
Ya ya …… dividen mahu announce !
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Kevin Yap
wa q 0.020....talak lapat lor....aiseh...wa kiam siap
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Ah Choon Wong
Beli cikit dulu 0.025 …………………
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Kevin Yap
okie okie....tmr keep my eyes.

thanks ACW
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW.....do you smell something in Same baby ? Got baby taste boh? At the same time, we c c itu kecik kecik punya ya.... today any plan go kai kai?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning…

Sime baby i last sold at 0.195, i queue at 0.18 yesterday, someone gave to me……Hahahaha
Today will be Busy moving things , but yesterday night have Dinner at Orchard Hotel Hua Ting 华廳 restaurant, my friend Belanja me……
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Kevin Yap
hahahaha, hoseh lor....i oso got cikit ooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, cheerrrr....see today got huat boh ya…

Take care brbro….were no more young lo, if moving thing kena jaga tulang belakang ooi…..
U r having a VIP trip there ler…..jealous die me, but happy for you la...kikikiki....
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Like · 6 months · translate
Kevin Yap
mama lai liao wor
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Kevin Yap
ACW...............aiyo, wa kena tipu sama tu MM....haizzz....puiiiii
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Ah Choon Wong

foreign funds keep selling , be careful ! Keep more cash
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Kevin Yap
ACW, noted.... kejap wa cut even dulu

kecik kecik punya boleh angkat arr
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Kevin Yap
ACW.. jahat MYg... semua 11 for trade buy
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Kevin Yap
ACW....wa sudah sapu 0.025....ini wa ikut feeling aje...kalu keluar kasi tau ya...sebab 1 month only....
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , ok ok ….jangan beli banyak !
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Kevin Yap
ACW....ur cikit is my manyak, your manyak is superman cikit....kikiki....
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Kevin Yap
my baby banyak lo....hati berdentum berdebar...pipop pipop....once Niise release, then hoseh liao...die or live depend on this baby...either i belanja u hainan kopi , telur or loti....or u belanja me air kosong, telur kulit and roti plastic bags
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Like · 6 months · translate
Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW.... Last day man....kikiki... .our klse doesn't move parallelly with US ler....sudah 3 days....why huh?
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Kevin Yap
ACW...sudah dapat 0.40 arr
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin…..you see this …

Myeg and armada abang adik, I already make 5-6 times in YTL and ytlpower call warrants , both of then hardly move, kesian betul !
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Kevin Yap
hahahaha, sabar my dear 老大.....i also dun understand...i sudah start lost mcm superman itu hari lo...hey congrats on ur infotec yo
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Kevin Yap
maybe i no good la, i sank ur ship....tmr i sell all, sure naik giler
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Mayanne Chan
ACW, may I know whether this info stock - can keep for mid to long term, ker?
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Ah Choon Wong
Mayanne ,

Which info stock ? You mean myeg , if yes , keep collecting when it’s down or cheaper than current price……. Hahaha
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Kevin Yap
老大ACW...that's why I am questioning...is it someone (hantu=kui) is pressing the price lor...u know mah, market manyak hantu lo
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Mayanne Chan
Nope, not myeg, ACW. It is infotec which I am referring to. I follow wild cat to buy this time, hahaha! So, I wonder if I can keep for mid to long term (?)
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Ah Choon Wong
Mayanne …. Ok mid to long term no problem, every three months make an appraisal on it ….
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Mayanne Chan
Kevin, you are very funny this round... manyak hantu!!! Yes, I agree with you totally on myeg... Someone is pressing so hard and not letting it rise up... So strange! Even some of the laggards and slow turtle also can move up except only for myeg.
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Mayanne Chan
Tqvm, ACW!
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Kevin Yap
hantu ooi...manyak kui sini sana
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lau andy kok chong
kuih Ka kui?..........
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Ah Choon Wong
Ten cents to nine and half cents , you feel the pain , come on !
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Ah Choon Wong
Up 200-300% , then only you know lah !
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Ah Choon Wong
你看上面31 天前,YTL-C68 我的買入价是多少 ?
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Kevin Yap
caya la....
if 100%, i smile
if 200%, i laugh
if 300%, i stun
if 400%, i ki-siow
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Like · 6 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning ,

After breakfast Leaving at 9.30 am ……
Something wrong with my Phone or SCREENER , everytime re fresh , cant’s see msg send by you or me !
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Kevin Yap
chheerrr ... safe journey home ya
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Kevin Yap
arrr...ok ok...i tot i have being too annoying until lu bo layan....kikiki...no worries, time to play sime bro
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin ……

Something somewhere wrong , i can’t see your msg….
This afternoon reached Yong Peng , spend few hours there, my friend’s friend belanja us 福州 Fuzhou dishes , very nice ….
He owned a factory in Fuzhou China , supplying Clothes and uniforms throughout Malaysia ……..
very very nice couple, bought many Fuzhou biscuits and Fish ball (Yong Peng’s 特产)for us…….really paiseh !
有缘千里来相会 ,us…….really
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Like · 6 months · translate
Kevin Yap
aiseh.... no good punya KLSEscreener.... or they follow klse mood today?

u see , i believe if u treat ppls good, ppls will do the same to you. Life can be so simple without any hatred or intention. No paiseh...next time u treat him back nice food. Ini mcm friendship baru boleh long lasting...ada betul ka...He is from China?
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Kevin Yap
Also...i tot u oledi pengsan drove from sg to sini...so tak mau kacau u lo
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Ah Choon Wong

Ok , can see your msg liao, he and his wife local folks in Yong Peng , my friend bought clothes and uniform from him for retail for many years and never meet each other, althought do business for so long, this is their first time meet and me also….
really humble rich nice people !
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Kevin Yap
lucky u ACW.... but reality, yes...rich ppls can be so humble in real life, but of cos not all la...they eat bkt?ask them to come over and we belanja them best bkt!! yummilicious...ok lar, wa hungry liao .. tmr wa oso jiak bkt la
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Like · 6 months · translate
Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW!!!!
Where is my hainan coffeeeeeee?
Where is my halfff boilleeed eeggs?

hahahaha, pleasant weekend ya
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning ….

now going to the Hainan Coffee Shop ……….
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Kevin Yap
hahaha, sipppppp......
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin ….

Today Sunday , my factory under construction one, the contractor still on with their jobs, maybe because of good weather , they want to finish the job as early as possible ….
If every contractor like the one that i hired, YTL’s cement business will be very good lah …….hah…….hahaha
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Kevin Yap
oh yeahhh....they are very hard working lo....they finish fast , u oso can commence fast....and most important, must use YTL cement...

if u want them to use more cement, u oso must continously build more factory ya...then huat huat for u
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Like · 6 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
Today buy in some first ………
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Kevin Yap
hait!!!! lai lai
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Ah Choon Wong
Prepare for the worst to come ….hahaha !
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Kevin Yap
hahahah....like that oso can arr...then i still tongggguuuu becos of prepare for the worst to come
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Kevin Yap
ACW, rhb ada orang kena lgi bawah lo
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Ah Choon Wong
Up….cikit pun mahu lari ……………..
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Kevin Yap
talak lari ACW, melekat lo...apa takut bossku.....
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Ah Choon Wong
YTL rebounding …….Hahahaha !
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Kevin Yap
ytlp kejap lagiiiii tuhhhh....yahoooo
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Ah Choon Wong
Experience cannot be forced-fed; it must be acquired personally over time, especially trading Call Warrants …………
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Kevin Yap
Thank you ACW 老大
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Ah Choon Wong
20 plus years ago , there was a counter name YTL-cement , it’s ‘ytlcement-wa’ up from around 0.70 to around 6.00 …..because of good results…..
many new Investors never know, that’s why when ytl went up 100% , many dare not buy in….
When ytl’s result up 100 or 200% , It’s share price up 100% and you buy in , they is no such thing as ‘luck’……
It’s your foresight and experience that counts …..
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Kevin Yap
Foresight and experience is the best ingredient , though luck (Timing) plays a little part...mcm ur baby Sayang72,ACW
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Ah Choon Wong
Rethink risk, you must switch from Sime C-72 to C-78 …that’s the way ah ha ah ha ……
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Ah Choon Wong
今天 0.465 抛很多下来………. 哈哈哈 !
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Kevin Yap
ACW....why u still laugh wor....i sudah shivering oooi....kikiki
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Ah Choon Wong
I queue at 0.43, no one wants to sell !
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Kevin Yap
so fast arr ACW...Today just 2nd day...tmr kut
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Ah Choon Wong
Yesterday sold out last 二万股 0.535 !
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Kevin Yap
Holiday pun sempat sold...fast hand fast leg mate
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Ah Choon Wong
Just passing through 文川 ……earthquake area …….
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Kevin Yap
History, ACW.....
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , yes ….2008 文川大地震area , just passing through ……everything normal now !
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Kevin Yap
China is very fast....they learn and move on...this is what we should learn from them....what is their breakfast? Do you go for street food?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , no street food, beautiful scenery… 青山绿水 ………
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Kevin Yap
OK OK, thanks for sharing ACW
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, there’s one itinerary visit to a special book shop name 鐘書阁,special arrangements for all the books…..
I managed to buy 4 books on investment and Trading :

1. 海龟交易,核心法则 by Curtis M.Faith , Translate by 于佳蓉。Inside The Mind Of The Turtles .

2. 股票作手回忆录….

3. 滚雪球….. 巴菲持和他的财富人生,two sets

Very sorry all are in Chinese !
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Like · 4 months · translate
Kevin Yap
u just love reading bro...it is ok, even in chinese, u will always generously concluded and share w us...kan eng
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Mayanne Chan
Yeah, share2 with us too (in English) cos chicken and duck problem, hahaha!
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , the first page of one book mentioned two famous market wizards, one is Jesse Livermore, the other is Gaan’s 江恩 ….
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Kevin Yap
JL and Gaan follow market trend with prediction...though JL uses TA as his tools....ACW oso same oooiiii

Any other infor?
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