Jane Lam's comment on CTOS. All Comments

Jane Lam
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ctos 有成长空间。业绩不错
Wengke Lee
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Fatty Bombom
交多点智商税就可以知道为什么我知道bursa喊停即日空了,太好笑又不是什么内幕哈哈哈哈哈哈哈……. 劝你快点删无知的留言哈哈哈哈哈…….. 靠把口炒股才有这么多时间看到股价跌了拼死辛灾乐祸心态坏到极点一直跑出来留言,谁这么得空,laugh die me hahaha………….
4 Like · 7 months · translate
Wengke Lee
Fatty 兄真会让人留下太多想像空间。想多了会让人缺乏动力。有何贵言獨乐乐不如众乐乐,一起与共?
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Wengke Lee
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Wengke Lee
Fatty 兄,知道你所指的是另人。 多谢分享,长见识了。
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Ah Choon Wong
‘阿笨’也识货,两个大基金都買进了,哈哈哈 !
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Wengke Lee
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Wengke Lee
阿笨最近所到之處, 虽然每次险象环生, 最后都是絕境逢生、喜极泰來。
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Kevin Yap
Ah Ben aka AhBohthen?
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Wengke Lee
阿笨= Aberdeen plc, one of substantial shareholder
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Kevin Yap
oic....ok ok...
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Albert Len
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Wengke Lee
The law of jungle….. 角力结果,就看各家的能耐、手段、智慧、认知及适应俗世的的能力了。
1 Like · 7 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
The Law Of Jungle: in the market, everyone must learn throughly from the ‘military field manual’ which teaches us the survival of the fittest….
Your preparedness, experience, perseverance,intuitiveness,patience will dictate your success in this wild wild jungle.
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Ah Choon Wong
This is Chengal hardwood tree , do you know ?
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Ah Choon Wong
TDM profit from business discontinuation, 代表什么 ?
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Leo TDM 是做什么的?为什么最近涨到这么快?没follow只是知道这公司heTengganu州政府有关系
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Ah Choon Wong
Chengal hardwood 耒了 …. 哈哈哈 !
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Fatty Bombom
恭喜choon兄,我有母股127,昨天买的,那天大跌的时候都说ctos派钱了……….如果没ctos,对银行业来说是灾难,至少目前如是……….. 注意心态坏的东西全不见了哈哈哈哈哈哈…………葡萄真好吃真甜……………吹水不用本哈哈哈哈哈
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Ah Choon Wong
Fatty 兄,恭喜,恭喜…. 我己经轉去 C7 了 !
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Fatty Bombom
1 Like · 7 months · translate
Jane Lam
我判断错误。止损后没在底价买回。恭喜fatty,Ah Choon Wong和其他成功买到底价的投资者。
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Ah Choon Wong
Jane Lam, 还记得 Beta 吗 ? 一个小坏消息,也是大跌 ……..
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Jane Lam
1 Like · 7 months · translate
Jane Lam
Beta 我有捞低。之后赚少少离场。Ctos我买入就设了止损点。为保本我不问理由,破了止损。我的错误是没在低价1.10-1.20买回。
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Ah Choon Wong
Jane , 没关系,也是学习的一个过程 ! 加油
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Aron Lim
加油 Jane 你在股市已经很牛了啦 哈哈 赢多输少 已经很厉害了 哈哈
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Jane Lam
ctos 算是我这几年投资亏最多的股。收了一个多月亏几千。还好我投资不算大。亏少少当学费
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Aron Lim
股神acw应该差不多摸透股市了吧 哈哈 什么情况都了解了 哈哈
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Ah Choon Wong
Aron Lim, 没有啦,大家一起学习,会进步更快 !
1 Like · 7 months · translate
Jane Lam
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Fatty Bombom
Jane,您好………少亏保本为上,只要决定是自己下的,绝不后悔……….. 最重要找到一套适合自己的交易系统,然后跟着自己的交易系统走,我的交易系统常常套利卖便宜了哈哈哈哈哈
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Ah Choon Wong
Fatty 兄 Lone Wolf of Wall street Bernard Baruch 说的 ,my success in the market , ‘ I am selling too soon ‘…..
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Albert Len
天气真热、榴莲开到满树花!花比叶更多:::;,! 这叫技术面!哈哈哈
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Ah Choon Wong
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Albert Len
Cmsb,aeon,hlcap,ghlsys,myeg 都是绝世(好股)!
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Ah Choon Wong
哈哈哈,有排震, 震着上吧 !
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Aron Lim
阿伯 不是用什么江恩法则吗 哈哈
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Kevin Yap
ACW...kasi satu kali kabooommmm...now i learn sailang oledi oooiiii.....sebab wa mau pigi karaOK dgn superman
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Ah Choon Wong
Ikut superman kan, dasyat nya …Sailang King !
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Kevin Yap
wakakakakka...how is ur day ACW?

BTW, genting oso mcm want come or stay away
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning….

Here difficult to find Hainan Kopi, will go take Toast Box coffee .
lunch can go take Ng Ah Sio Bat Kut Teh whereby it’s Teochew peppery pork rip is very special……
As for Genting baby, just hold and wait for good news……next quarter result and FDA approval …
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW.... yes, i think SG Hainan kopi may not be so holim oso lo... Toast box is commercialised , not sure the barrista is as good as old-hand lor, but anyhow do give a try... u can try YY Coffee shop as well....

BKT in singapore? very different taste one ler....like Sabah BKT, perhaps. Do give a try and we will know which is the best lor....

Genting... i reenter a bit ( really bit ) to test luck ...genting baby Y...but to hold until next quarter, it may sound risky kan....
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Ah Choon Wong
就連 EPF 也買进了 ……….

Short Sellers 这次真的吃到辣椒了 !
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Kevin Yap
naik bulu ketiak lo
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Kevin Yap
ACW...how is your Ng Ah Sio? Nice or kepong better? or maybe Klang?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, three have their own unique taste, I like them all , even former Taiwan president 马英九 and those Hongkong film stars come to Singapore also like to go Ng Ah Sio…..
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Kevin Yap
hahahaha...u makan 3???
tham-sim...kikiki....but it is ok as long as it's fulfilling....enjoy, brader!
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Ah Choon Wong
Take turn once in a while should be OK …..
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Kevin Yap
yeahh yeahhhh...have a pleasant holiday , Sir
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Kevin Yap
u got go sensoryscape arr
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning, not yet , sensoryscape night time go better ………
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Kevin Yap
good morning ACW...yes...night is better but just open! btw, have u fix ur hainan ' s kopi addiction?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin, so long as using the Hainan Style of making coffee, should be OK !
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Kevin Yap
janji ada , ACW....lalalalalala...then happy liao
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin , today whole day in Orchard..

Luckily able to book Imperial Treasure 御寶 for lunch ….fa….famous Peking Duck and Dim Sum …….
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Kevin Yap
itu restaurant cikit atas ooi...tapi lu mmg pannai cari makan lo....makan shop makan shop in Ochard , right... tapi currency sakit lo... hehehe....happy is ok la...when i get first 80k i will buzzzzzz u...
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Ah Choon Wong
有大基金買的股真不一样 ! 哈哈哈
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Kevin Yap
i belum masuk la...aiseh
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Ah Choon Wong
My philosophy and approach to trading is to be a conservative aggressive opportunist. It simply means that my style is to be aggressive in pursuit of potential reward and at the same time be extremely ‘risk-conscious’.
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Ah Choon Wong
有大基金買的股,真的不一样 !
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Ah Choon Wong
Albert Len 67 天前说:
Cmsb,aeon,hlcap,ghlsys,myeg 都是绝世(好股)!
看它们由低部反弹,是確不錯. 每个都有賺..
尤其是 AEON-C28, MyEG-C6K,Myeg-C6P,CMSB-C49…的確让我赚了不少……
在股市,愛第一没有用,最重要赚大钱呗…. 哈哈哈!
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1 Like · 5 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
非常狮,你只是那幾个,我们多得是 …….
还包括skpres,AAX,Sptoto, Sime,Sime-C71,SimeC-72,Sime-C78, Mi-C21,MNRB-CC
及 昨天的 Sptoto-C3 起 100% ……
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Ah Choon Wong
起了这么多,小红也是正常吧 ….. 哈哈哈 !
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Ah Choon Wong
HEIM 起了两塊多,跌回三角多,再正常不过了 !Sptoto 起 11 分,只跌一分,还不好吗 ?
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Ah Choon Wong
一个 AEON-C28 完勝这两个,去问问‘超人’ 有賺 100 K 以上嗎 ? 我只赚幾十千……i am seling too soon…hahaha !
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Ah Choon Wong
我賣了股,从来不心痛,賣了,等于一單生意完成…….. 再去找另一單生意吧 !
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Lee Biu Ghze
ACW, Simeprop I sold at 0.925. This one really heart pain. LB I did not buy because they are one of my major suppliers but more than 10 years quality never improve. I miss this one too.
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Albert Len
哈哈哈!小春!好股和买入点是两回事!你当时看的时候,买入就大跌了!aeon 28就是一个代表座!从七分掉到三分!请问从七分去到三分的中途!你有保护自己资金安全吗?(没有!)!在股市不是赚多就赢!重点往下走的时候、你们是完全没有危机意识處理!
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Ah Choon Wong
Lee, as i say just now, once sold , never go and think about it , move on …there are other opportunities also ……
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Albert Len
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Lee Biu Ghze
Yeap, Aeon still hold from 1.12, Pwrwell 0.425. Got profit one I let it run. Happy Wesak Day, may the force be with us!
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Ah Choon Wong
Albert Len…. 什么危机意识,AEON 的十年图已经在谷底,两个新年难到业绩会差过上季吗 ? 洞察力才是关键吧…..
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
你看十年图,在谷底了再去摊平,反弹才赚得爽….AEON, GHL,SKPres ,AAX 是最好的例子 ……
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Ah Choon Wong
非洲狮,这么多股,那有可能每个赚到十足,那只是幻想 ! Bernard Baruch says , my success in the market’ I am selling too soon ‘ hahaha!
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
每个人都有自己的一套玩法,不要把你们的玩法去强家于人,最重要还是要大赚 …
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Ah Choon Wong
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
你在 MAG 守了三年,这就是保护资金了….. 哈哈哈 !
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
The Battle For Investment Survival , 有一课教人如何 pyramiding 買着上,实际情况真这么容易吗 ?
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Albert Len
gfm、Sunzen、danco、prestar、trc、gadang、kerjaya,金龙鱼、theta、mintech ,karet 你不讲?
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Ah Choon Wong
Ytl 和 ytlpower 八个 call warrants 也不会输你那八个股吧……. 哈哈哈 !
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Albert Len
leo! 在股市当一个被动者交易是小白的操作::;! 哈哈哈
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
玩 YTL 和 ytlpower 是小白的操作 ?
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
芭佬買股票,有乱乱止损的吗 ?
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
Albert Len… 挑战自己赚更多、还比較实际吧 !
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Kevin Yap
hahaha....have a pleasant Wesak Day. Stop challenge others, instead do learn from each other. Namo amitabha
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Ah Choon Wong
你知道不知道,芭佬在 2008 风暴,買了 Goldman Sachs 的 option吗 ? option 是股票吗 ?
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Lee Biu Ghze
KY, happy Vesak day to you too. Actually I fancy WF Malaysia Vs WF USA to be honest! Cheers!
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Kevin Yap
hahahahha....Lee...wf stand for?
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Lee Biu Ghze
Warren Buffett I mean, my bad! lol!
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Kevin Yap
Lee.....hahaha, is ok bro
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Gsfung Emily
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Henry Butcher
那是巴菲特公司的Hegde fund,他自己偏向buy and hold。意思说他只做庄家,不碰运气。
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