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Around 11.00. Just a blink of an eye then down all the way. I also got caught at 10.20. Thought at 10.20 a bargain and could bounce back but actually a snare. Haha
在這勇敢與膽怯的道路上,狹路相逢勇者勝,有膽色的勇者勝。The one that reaps the bountiful harvest is the 勇者, the 2nd most profitable harvester are those that can hold, the losers are those that makes penny n sell. Who are you?
Talk so much, if you have confidence that it will continue to go higher why don't you buy in at the current price? Don't mislead people into buying high
Talk so much, I have confidence doesn't mean I have to buy at current price when I can buy at lower price. Don't misled by saying I asked others to buy, did you see I asked others to buy? slander it is. On the other hand, I said market is good n can hold slightly longer than usual before disposed.
No investors can predict a safe entry price. Supply & demand dictates a stock price. Long-term investment can minimise risk because dividends are also a source of earnings. There's no right or wrong whatever decisions you make.
.Maybank biggest benefits are the generous dividend. I bought it in early 2021 and received RM2.145 pershare till now. For long-term investment, you see your money actually grows.
don't think will have DRP for this round of dividend
TheBoardofDirectorshasdeclaredasingle-tiersecondinterimcashdividendinrespectof thecurrent financial year ended31December2023of31.0senperordinaryshare,amountingtodividendpayableofRM3,740,755,180(based on 12,066,952,192 ordinary shares issued as at 28 February 2024). Pursuant toSection8.26of theMainMarketListingRequirementsofBursaMalaysiaSecuritiesBerhad, thesingle-tier second interim cash dividend will be paid no later than three (3) months from the date of declaration. The book closure date will be announced by the Bank at a later date