Itz Kai's comment on LKL. All Comments

Itz Kai
5 Like · Reply
Nick Yap Chun How
这个價位進場.... 會太冒險嗎? 只是個人意見
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Jack Ee
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Nick Yap Chun How
明白... 谢谢老兄的分享
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teh cai
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Jesse Livermore
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Ooi Yong Pin
已套利0.22 ,目前再继续观察
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Nick Yap Chun How
來不及套利... 可能要等回調了
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Mohd Iznan Shamsuddin
waiting to rebound
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Amir Musliadi Md Rus
Esok mau turun 18.5 lagi ni
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Jack Ee
Tomorrow rebound.....195 support
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Jesse Livermore
It is trap
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Amir Musliadi Md Rus
Please explain
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Diam Diam
Waiting for limit up
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Amir Musliadi Md Rus
Esok rasanya
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0.22 的套房有点高哦。多少要花点时间在高楼看风景了。
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alex mi
0.22进场的, 你死定了。
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Jesse Livermore
0.195跌穿就要cl 了
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Mohd Iznan Shamsuddin
agree...below 0.185 is CL
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Rafaee Ismail
sell before late
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Jack Ee
Goodbye 0.18...just found other counter
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mansor husain
All in 0.180 fly to 0.220
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Mat Yuqi
All in all in .. Fly to mars ..
2 Like · 9 months · translate
alex mi
fly to Holland
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Shahril Ismail
no power la too fly..
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hsiao Pei
fly to south
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alex mi
Who said all in, 'habislah'. Quickly jump before 'apa pun tak ada'.
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Mat Yuqi
Haha .. Dh turun tu pndai la cari jln kuar ...
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chong cs
7 hari kencing kuat
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KC Chiok
ramai dh kena kencing
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Shahril Ismail
terjun lagi.
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Itz Kai
Waiting cheap tickets hahaa, lets see if break too low
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Jesse Livermore
Kai 0.22 tickets cut ?
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Itz Kai
Yup cut long time ago
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